Chapter 39 Rosegarden Week Tickled Red

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Ruby's POV:

Oscar and I were spooning on the couch, watching TV, and eating popcorn. Oscar reached for some popcorn, and I bit his finger by mistake.

"Ow," he said in a bored voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry, baby," I said, nuzzling him, "here, let me kiss it and make it better."

I kissed his fingers, and then I started sucking on them, making Oscar chuckle.

"Are you trying to lick off the butter?" Oscar asked.

"Maybe," I teased.

"Then I get to lick off your butter too!"


"What? What do you mean nope!?"

"You heard me."

"Oh, that's it, come here!"

Oscar grabbed my hands and tried to lick them. I put the popcorn on the table and started wrestling with my boyfriend, trying not to get my fingers licked.

"You'll never get my butter," I laughed.

"Oh yes, I will!" Oscar said, pulling one of my fingers to his mouth.

"Nooo my butter!" I whined as Oscar licked my thumb.

We both started laughing as he continued to suck my fingers. He smiled at me and began kissing my hand.

"Are you happy?" I asked, cupping his cheek.

"Yeah, I'm happy," Oscar replied, nuzzling my hand.

"I'm glad you're happy."

"Well, you make me happy."

I kissed him, and he kissed me back, and we giggled.

Third Person POV:

Yang, Weiss, and the others sat at a table, watching the couple flirt and have fun. Nora was recording with her scroll.

"Nora, what are you doing?" asked Weiss.

"They're so cute I can't stand it!" squealed Nora, "I gotta record as much as I can and turn it into a movie reel for their wedding!"

"They are not getting married," said Blake.

"It's only a matter of time!"

"Nope," said Weiss, "they are just dating."

"Well, I wish them the best," said Velvet, "I've never seen them so happy before."

Yang scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Catch Osckie," giggled Ruby; she tossed popcorn in the air for Oscar to catch with his mouth, "here's another," Oscar caught that one, "and a third," Oscar missed. It almost landed in Ruby's eye, but he caught it at the last second and kissed her forehead, "aww, you're sweet. Now here comes another," she tossed it, and Oscar looked for it, but it was gone.

"Where'd it go?" Oscar asked, looking for it then Ruby started laughing, "What? Where is it?"

"It's in your ear!" Ruby guffawed.

Sure enough, the popcorn was stuck in Oscar's ear.

"Ah, how'd it get there?" Oscar gasped.

"I don't know, but you look so ridiculous!"

"Ok, I'm getting it out."

"I'll get it for you."

Oscar's POV:

Ruby put the popcorn bowl on the table, leaned over to me, and tried licking the popcorn out of my esr. She got it out, but then she started coughing and gagging.

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