Ch 22: If You Tell

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Blake's POV:

Why wouldn't Oscar help keep my secret? I know I spent most of the last chapter telling him what Adam did to me and that I needed him to stay quiet, but what's the problem? I need to convince him to keep my secret. I guess I have to resort to that, even though what just happened to me was traumatizing, but I will do whatever it takes.

I grabbed Oscar's hand and put it on one of my breasts, and his face went instantly red like a beet.

"Blake," Oscar sputtered, trying to pull his hand away, "w-what are you doing?"

"Oscar," I said," I am willing to do anything to get you to keep this a secret from the others. Even if that means letting you use my body."

"Blake, are you serious? You were just attacked, and you're offering me your body for silence?"

"Oscar, I am desperate. I will do anything you want. If you want to kiss me, then fine. Sex, touching, groping, licking. I don't care. I'll let you do anything you want to me if it can keep you silent."

"No, Blake, stop, please! You just got attacked and possibly poisoned by Adam; I'm not gonna make things worse by touching you in a way you don't like!"

"Oscar, please, I don't want anyone to know about this! I will do anything for you. Just please keep this a secret!"

Oscar shook his head sadly at me, and I could tell it made him upset that he couldn't.

"Oscar, what's wrong," I asked, "why can't you help me keep this a secret?"

"I-I just can't, Blake," said Oscar sadly.

"Please, Oscar, you're the only one who knows about this, and I don't want anyone else to know about this. So I need to protect Yang and everyone else!"

"I'm sorry, Blake, but no."


"I just can't."

"You can, but you won't!"

"I'm sorry, but no!"

"Why not? Why can't you keep it a secret!?"

"Because I promised Ruby I wouldn't keep secrets from her!!!"

We were quiet for a while before he sat on the floor next to me.

"Oscar," I said, "why did you promise Ruby not to keep secrets?"

Oscar took a deep breath and sighed. He turned to me, and with a look as worried as mine on his face, he said to me, "Blake?"

"Yea," I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I'm 'with' Ruby."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I heard that.

"Hold on, Oscar," I said, trying to get my thoughts together, "what do you mean you're 'with' Ruby?"

"You know how you're 'with' Yang?"


"I'm 'with' Ruby."

Now I understood, and-oh my gosh, so many things made sense now! The awkwardness from before we went to Solitas, the argument Ruby had with Nora and Neon when we fought the Grimm, and the reader Ninjago100 pointed out that Jaune caught on first before anyone else in chapter 13 when he mentioned Oscar! How their relationship suddenly got better and more cutesy after we returned, Oscar buying Ruby those gifts and putting so much thought into them and the dance at the restaurant! I wish I could have gone to the fandom and checked out the ships. I mean, there were so many clues.

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