Chapter 11: Breakfast

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Oscar's POV:

I woke up this morning feeling calm and relaxed. I couldn't remember a thing that happened yesterday. I turned over in my bed, and my hand landed in something warm and soft. I grinned as I squeezed it until it began to move. I jumped when that happened.

My eyes snapped open, and I saw that I was in my room, and the light shone through the window. But the window was on the wrong side. Something black and red was blurry in front of me, but it looked like a white blanket was covering it.

I touched the blanket, and it felt soft and warm. My vision came into focus, and it looked like a pers-oh no. Oh dear god, no! I sat up and began to look around. It wasn't my room; It was Ruby's. Oh my gosh, she's going to kill me.

What if Yang finds out, I am in so much trouble? Ruby squirmed and turned to face me. She looked so innocent, so precious and calm. I didn't want to leave, but I had to. I tried to climb over her, but she kept moaning, making me think she would wake up. Ultimately, I just stayed where I was until I could think of a plan.

Wait, she's asleep, so I can get out of bed and sneak over to my room. I checked the clock next to her bed. It was 9:48 AM. I need to go now; it's almost time for everyone to wake up. Everyone gets up at 10 to start early training and patrol the area. I was about to get up when I pressed my hand on her thigh. She didn't have clothes, nor did I for some reason; the events from last night flooded my head. I can't believe I almost forgot what happened last night.

I peered at her sleeping face, and my eyes rested on her lips. It wouldn't be wrong if I kissed her right now, right? We did way more than that last night, so it should be fine if I just kiss her, right? I leaned over and was about to kiss her when she suddenly turned and put her hand on my shoulder. She was still asleep.

I slowly crept forward and lightly pressed my lips against hers. She didn't respond, so I did it again. I gradually deepened the kisses and began to stroke her head.

Oh god, what am I doing? She and everyone else trusts me, and I am indulging myself on Ruby's lips. Her sweet soft lips. Ok, one last time, and then I'll leave. I leaned in when her eyes suddenly popped open, and she stared at me.

I froze.

My heart was beating like crazy. Was she going to slap me? Is she going to avoid me? Oh no, what if she tells Yang and Yang kills me? How could I betray someone I say I love?

Ruby blinked. She yawned and closed her eyes again but not before wrapping her arm around my neck and saying, "Hi Zwei." she began playing with my ears.

"Uh woof?" I said.

"Who's a good boy? You are, yes you are; you get all the kisses." She pulled me closer to her, and she started kissing me all over. I would love this if she didn't give me kisses like I was a dog. She crawled on top of me and began kissing me more and more. "You're such a good boy, and I love you. I can always count on you. You'll never leave me or hurt me. Doggies are the best."

Ok, now I have to leave. I don't know what I was thinking. Ruby trusted me, and I took advantage of her when she was drunk and asleep just because I wanted to be with her so badly. I got up, crawled over her carefully, and got dressed. Ruby babbled in her sleep more. I walked over to her and kissed her lips for a few seconds. When I pulled away, I stared at her cute, peaceful sleeping face.

"I promise," I told her, "I will prove myself someone worthy of you and your kisses. I will tell you I love you and whether or not you reciprocate. Ruby Rose, I promise that I will show you my love is genuine." As I turned to leave, Ruby grabbed my hand.

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