Chapter 12: And then she...

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Oscar's POV:

Ruby and I walked down the street, which was bustling with people. Police officers were checking out the wreckage from what happened last night. It really wasn't that far from the restaurant from last night.

I glanced at Ruby, who had a smile and a bounce in her step. I wanted to hold her hand while we walked, but I didn't think she'd go for it until she wrapped her arm around mine.

" I don't want us to get lost among all these people," she said. My heart began to race. I've held Ruby before, but now that she's doing it on her own, it feels a little brazen on her end and made me feel...scared.

We walked for about another twenty minutes before finally arriving at the store. Ruby let go of me and rushed in. Why is love in my life so impatient? Of course, she has a super speed semblance, but still. I went inside, and Ruby was walking around fervently trying to find the necklace stand. I walked in and was greeted by a saleswoman.

"Hello," said the saleswoman, "is there something I can help you with?"

"Oh no," I said, " I 'm just here with a friend because I got her a gift from here, and she...."

"She doesn't like it?"

"No, she loves it. She just wants to know the price, and I didn't have the nerve to say it to her face because of the price, so I brought her here."

She turned to look at Ruby and saw the necklace I had bought her hanging from her neck.

"Oh, so you're the guy who bought that! I'm so glad you did. It's a very wonderful gift. I hope she's happy."

"Trust me, she's happy."

Ruby bounded over to us. "Excuse me," she said, "but do you have any more necklaces like this one?" she held up the one I gave her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but we don't have any more. Your boyfriend bought the last one we had in stock." the saleswoman said apologetically.

"Woah, he's not my boyfriend. We're just friends."

My heart sank with her words. Once again, I had been reduced to her friend.

"Really? Because this is from our couples selection. Usually, people who buy these have someone special in mind, which is what makes them expensive, and your friend seemed to have no problem spending money to buy it, and believe me, it was expensive."

"How expensive was it? He won't tell me, and I came here to find out."

"Oh, I'm sorry, we can't divulge customers' expense reports to other customers."

"But he got it for me, and he's right here. Can't you just say it?"

"I'm sorry, but no. The transaction happened on a different date, so we can't mention the prices and expenditure reports. Now, if you want to return it, you can see the price when we give the refund. We have a week-long return policy, and you're still within the time limit."

Ruby looked at the necklace and then at me.

"It's your necklace Ruby, your choice," I said.

She gripped my hands and held my gaze.

"Come on, Oscar, you can tell me the price, can't you? Pretty please?" She gave me a puppy dog stare and pouted her lips. Her soft, plush, kissable lips-oh god, what am I thinking?

"I'm sorry, Ruby, but I just can't bring myself to tell you what it costs. I can buy you something else, and you can see the price of that one if you'd like."

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