Happy Birthday Day

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Hey guys it's me your fave author again and today is special! You already know from the title but today is my birthday 🎂! Yay yay and what not! So I've been doing some thinking and I also have terrible news. Starting Monday I'm going to join a program that will help me find an internship and maybe a job in a certain area so that means a lot of my time will be taken up. It lasts 11 months, and it starts from 8-12 on Monday-Thursday. Now this doesn't mean I'll stop writing my stories or anything but I may not be able to do more for you guys for a while. I can always quit this program but my parents are getting on me about this so I don't think I can back out. 

I know I haven't posted a lot of stuff recently and it's because I'm stressed out by this whole thing, it's gonna be like going to school again and I already graduated college so I don't wanna go back, but I can't run from the future, I need a plan and goals and I need to be able to make sure I can provide for myself. Growing up sucks huh? Anyways, I'm gonna write some more chapters and do a mass release at the end of the month. I know I said I needed more views but I want you guys to know I never stopped working on my RWBY stories and wanted to make sure you all have more fun reading my stories. Vote, comment and follow, you know the drill.

Till next time.

P.s. for those of you wondering my age, I'm officially 24 now.

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