Chapter 17: Coco's Puffs

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This chapter contains moments of sexual behavior between girls. If you're uncomfortable hearing about things between girls or just things of a sexual nature, feel free to skip or read something else.

Blakes POV:

It had been a couple of hours since we returned from Solitas. We all stayed out because we had to give reports to the local huntsmen on changes to security and dust trades. God, this was annoying. I wanted to go home, but Ruby and Oscar were sorting out their business in the apartment, and I didn't want to see what was about to go down there. So we decided to have dinner at a BBQ place once we got back. We went to a famous bbq chain in Atlas, and Yang and Nora fell in love with it, and when Ren told them he went to one in Vale without them once, they nearly killed him so he could say where it was.

Yang and I were walking through a forest to spend time alone and relax before heading out later. We decided to take some leftovers back to Ruby and Oscar so they wouldn't feel left out. As we walked through the trees, Yang kept asking me about my future date with Sun. It always made me wonder if she was mad I was going on a date with him when we were engaged.

"Blake, for the last time, I'm not mad," she groaned as we walked through the Forest of Forever Fall, "you're just going on a date with Sun. I'm marrying you, and he needs to know that."

"But what if I hurt him?" I asked worriedly, "I mean, he's super nice and a go-with-the-flow kind of guy. He helped me with the White Fang in Menagerie; he saved my dad's life and helped me fix things with Ilia even though she hated me at the time. So I don't want to be someone who adds another wound onto his body."

"You won't, Blake. I know Sun has a crush on you and everything, but you have to be honest with him. How often has he tried to get with you while we were together? I sat back and did nothing so no one would catch on, but I can't stand the idea of some monkey trying to stick his banana in my"

"Thanks, Yang. I get that you want Sun to know the truth about us, but I'm sorry you had to endure watching him flirt with me. I just don't want you to hold this date against me in future. I just want to see where things go between us. I want us to be honest with how we feel about this for our relationship in the future going forward."

"I agree; I'm just waiting for this to be put behind us so we can get married, tell everyone about us, and live our lives

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"I agree; I'm just waiting for this to be put behind us so we can get married, tell everyone about us, and live our lives."

"Does that mean you'd be ready to settle down and start a family or something?"

"What? No, Blake, I'm not ready for that yet. I mean, someday perhaps when we're both ready and we have a bit of a reprieve, some calm from Salem and the Grimm, and the fact that she has two relics in the canon but not now."

"Ok, I'm sorry. Can I be honest with you, though?"

"Yeah, sure."

"I'm a little worried about getting married to you. Not because I don't want to, but because it's a big step in my life. A chapter of myself will close, and a new one will open up, and I feel scared by it. I want to be your wife, I really do, but I'm afraid of the unknowns married life can have, and I sometimes wonder if our relationship was ever rushed. We've been through so many ups and downs, and I wouldn't trade them for the world, but I'm still worried about what kind of weight this will make me carry in the future. We'd have more to think about once we get married, like finances and insurance and stuff, and honestly, I'm scared of it. But, on the other hand, maybe I like the idea of us being a couple with freedom before being tied down with marriage."

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