Chapter 38 Rosegarden Week Roses and Steaks

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Oscar's POV:

Ruby and I had just finished watching our movie and were heading home.

"That movie was awesome!" said Ruby, "I want to see it again someday!"

"Yeah, me too," I said, remembering the scenes, "this was a fun day."

"Yeah, it's nice to go out with each other and not have to hide our relationship anymore."

Ruby hugged my arm as we walked down the streets.

"Ooh, Oscar, look over there!" Ruby said, pointing to a store.

"Wait, isn't that?" I looked at the store she was pointing at.

"This was the store that you got my earrings and necklace from! Ooh, let's go inside again!"

"Why? It's not your birthday anymore?"

Ruby grabbed my hands, "I'm your girlfriend now, Oscar. Every day's my birthday."

"You look young for your age," I teased.

Ruby giggled and pulled me inside. The store was busy as usual. As we looked around, I noticed the familiar sales clerks. Ruby began looking at the jewelry as one of the clerks came up to me. She was the one who gave me Ruby's necklace.

"So, how's it going?" she asked me, "did you two ever work out?"

"We became official a while ago, but we recently went public," I explained.

"Oh, congratulations, you must be so happy."

"I'm thrilled; I never thought I'd be this happy."

"Oscar!" Ruby bounded to me excitedly, "Look, they have a wreath with roses on it!"

"You love roses," said the clerk, "what's your name?"

"Ruby rose!"

"Wait, didn't you get those earrings and the neck-wait," she turned to me, "you got a runny nose for Ruby Rose?"

"Uh yeah," I chuckled, "I got those for her."

"Oh, you two are so cute! Tell you what, everything is 25% off for you two."

Ruby gasped, "Oh my gosh, really?"

"Yes, you two are our most iconic couple. We still have your picture from before posted here."

She pointed to our picture from our first date.

"Oh, I remember that!" Ruby squealed, "Seems like so long ago."

"So, what are you in the mood for?"

"Well, I want a lot of stuff here, but I don't want to strain your wallet anymore, Oscar," Ruby sighed.

"Don't worry about me; just get what you like," I said.


"Excuse me?"

"I want everything here."

"You can worry about me a little."

"Oh, come on, Oskie, you said I could get what I want."

"Yeah, but if you buy too much, I won't have enough to take you to that restaurant."

"What restaurant?"

"Oh, just your favorite one in all of Vale."

"You mean that joint with the steaks!?"

"Yeah, if I have money left over, I could buy you one or three."

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