Chapter 10: Nothing Sweeter: Bumblebee

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This chapter is a little bit mature and has moments of relations between girls. If you feel uncomfortable, feel free to skip it.

**A few minutes after Ruby, Oscar, and Nora headed back, everyone ran to Beacon to change out of their costume and grab their weapons to fight the Grimm.**

Blake's POV:

Gods, this is annoying. After we grabbed our gear and changed our clothes, we headed to the battlefield where the Grimm sightings were to see what we were dealing with. By the time we got there, some other huntsmen had taken out a few of them, but more were coming. The panic from the civilians was drawing in more, and these Grimm were huge.

We all split up into groups and teams and fanned out to fight the Grimm. Yang and I were, of course, together, and Weiss was tagging along because Winter had teamed up with Qrow and Clover. The first Grimm we encountered were BeoWolves. 

They were such small fries but with a stomach full of food and thinking about my drunk little sister alone with Oscar; I had a hard time focusing. I missed two shots when we encountered the first Grimm, and Weiss had to cover for me. Blake and I tried our bumblebee move, but the Grimm ducked, causing Blake's ribbon to get caught in a branch and send me flying into a tree.

As I struggled to get up, I saw another Beowolf sneaking up on Blake, so I charged forward and punched it like crazy, leaving a few bombs on it. I detonated them and watched them explode when I got far enough from it. I helped my teammates take out the other ones; all that was left was the biggest one. It looked around, trying to find its friends but didn't see them.

"All alone, huh?" I teased, "that's what happens when you mess with team RWBY."

"Uh, but Ruby isn't here," said Blake, "wouldn't that make us team WBY?"

Weiss groaned at the thought of that, but I just laughed. My laughter got cut short when the Grimm did something creepy; It roared like it was calling for backup. Then it bit its elbow and started chewing on it so hard we could hear the crunch from 30 feet away.

 Finally, it locked its jaw, tore off its entire arm, and tossed it on the ground. The torn limb began to twitch and shake. Then it made a crunch and started sprouting spiky bones from the shoulder piece, and slowly but creepily, an equal-sized Beowolf appeared right there, standing next to the first, and the original regrew its missing arm.

We stood there in shock and awe as the two Grimm began ripping off each other's arms and legs, producing more and more until the pack we just cleared out was double in number.

"What did we just see?" said Blake shakily.

"It doesn't matter," said Weiss, "we have to get rid of them before they get the chance to...reproduce."

We gathered our nerves and charged at them for another long battle, but this time it was different. They seemed aware of our movements when we attacked as a group. They ducked, dodged, and countered every one of our moves. Sneak attacks were useless because they could grow and launch huge spines from their backs with incredible speed and force. I got a cut on my cheek, and one of the spikes nearly impaled Weiss. We could use Ruby's silver eyes about now.

I managed to blow off one of the wolves' arms, but it grew into another wolf.

"Are you kidding me!?" I yelled. I pulled out my scroll and called team CFVY.

"Yang," said Velvet, "what is it? Have you cleared the Grimm?"

"No, but we need back up! The Grimm have some weird way of increasing their numbers, and we can't handle them with just the three of us." one of the wolves hit Blake in the face causing her aura to shimmer. 

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