Chapter 7

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Taehyung took their food order and secured a place near the window side. He was looking outside when his phone rang. "Yes hyung.", Taehyung attended the phone. "I heard you booked three BHK, the other one.", Suga asked. "Yes. I thought it's good. After all it's our first home.", Taehyung said smiling. "That's good, Tae. You should have done it early, just after your marriage.", Suga said. Taehyung hummed. "Some things need time to fall into place. May be both of your right time is now.", Suga said smiling. "May be.", Taehyung said eyeing his ring finger where the ring mark is getting faded. "He is bratty, Tae. Ah, I don't need to tell to you that, but still, be patient this time. Give him time, give him space and most importantly keep your nervous under control. Don't lash out on him like earlier when things go wrong.", Suga said. "Mm.. I am trying hyung. Mm. I will call you later. We are going to have food.", Taehyung said and kept the phone back to his pocket.

"Did he slept?", Taehyung asked. "Yep.", Jungkook said and laid him on stroller. He took a thin baby blanket and covered him till his chest. Taehyung smiled seeing that. They ate their dinner in silence. "Everything will be deliver by tomorrow. Then day after tomorrow, we can move in.", Taehyung said tracing his eyes from others forehead to his Bambi eyes and crunched nose and pouted lips. Jungkook nodded. "I don't know how I am going to live there without my mom. She will be so sad.", Jungkook said in low voice. "One day, she has to leave you from under her wings, then only, you will learn to fly. Don't worry, I will drop you at home on weekends.", Taehyung said. Jungkook nodded slightly.

Afterwards, Taehyung dropped Jungkook and Gukkie at their home and went back to his home. "Is everything settled?", Mrs Kim asked Taehyung, who nodded in return. "I will help you in packing then tomorrow.", she said. "Mom. Will you able to live yourself?", Taehyung asked. "Haha, why not? I am old enough to live my own. It's not like you are going out of country, just a 15 minutes drive apart. Tae, this is your life. As I said build it from the scrap. Don't think about anything else now, think about him and our Gukkie. I will cheer you, also come over there, if both of you needs any help.", Mrs Kim said caressing his son's hair and kissed it a few times. "You are growing old and mature.", she said smiling.

At Jeon's, "how is the new apartment?", Mrs Jeon asked. "Ah, good. More spacious than the last one.", Jungkook said stretching his neck. "Who is going to clean it, then. My baby will be tried.", she said caressing Jungkook. "It's fine, mom. If it's handful, I will employee a maid.", Jungkook said seeing his mom's concerned face. "Mm. Tomorrow, we can organize yours and Gukkie's stuffs.", Mrs Jeon said with a pout. Jungkook smiled and hugged his mom and give a few kisses on her cheeks.

"Don't pack every toys Tae. Leave some here. If he visits here, he can play with it.", Mrs Kim said after seeing Taehyung packing every single toy of Gukkie. "After having Gukkie, he visited here thrice, that too for a night stay. Do you think, he will visit again that too after getting divorce?", Taehyung asked his mom. "Mm.. he loves to but his mom never allowed him, that's not his fault, Tae. May be if he visits now onwards.", Mrs Kim said hopefully. "Good anticipation. Keep it up.", Taehyung said and gave a few rattles to his mom. "Play with it if you feel bored.", he said. Mrs Kim gave a hit on his shoulder with the rattle.

In other part of the city. "Jungkook, do you want to pack these books?", Jimin asked. "No. No hyung. Keep it there itself.", Jungkook said while folding his dresses. "Mom, if you keep that face. How will I go?", Jungkook said looking at the red puff eyes of his mom. "It's not like he is going far, Mom. Hardly 20 minutes drive from here. And also you be won't alone. You can visit me and stay there.", Jimin said smiling. "Jimina, I dislikes cats. More than that I dislike your grumpy husband.", Mrs Jeon said glaring at Jimin. Jimin nodded in acceptance.  "Haha, you can visit me, mom.", Jungkook said laughing. "I don't think, that moron will like it.", Mrs Jeon said closing the zip of his packed luggage."why should he? He can't deny my visitors. We are just acquaintances.", Jungkook said. Mrs Jeon nodded.

"Jimin, I am going out.", mom-son's conversation was interrupted by Yoongi who was sitting on the living room with Gukkie all this while. "Jungkook, do you want me to buy you something?", Yoongi asked to Jungkook and handed over Gukkie to Jimin. "No hyung. There is nothing.", Jungkook said. "Mm. Then Jimin, I will be going back home from there. I will come tomorrow morning.", Yoongi said. Jimin nodded. Yoongi kissed Gukkie's forehead and looked at Mrs Jeon. "Mom", he said and bowed a little and went. Jungkook signed and took Gukkie from Jimin's and went to the bed to feed the goofy ball who is way more excited to live with his parents alone. Jungkook smiled seeing the eagerness of his baby when he unbuttoned his few buttons. Mrs Jeon looked at both of them and wiped her teary eyes.

Yoongi stepped inside the apartment and saw Taehyung already unboxing the furnitures which are being delivered. "Ah, hyung.", Taehyung said smiling. "Did you reach long before?", Yoongi asked. "No. No. Just fifteen minutes ago. Did you had dinner hyung? If not, there is a kimbap.", Taehyung said pointing to the kitchen counter. "Yeah, had it from Jeon's. I was there, when you called me. Jimin is staying there tonight. So I went to drop him.", Yoongi said. "Oh.", Taehyung nodded. "Do you have extra gloves? I will help you with rest.", Yoongi asked searching the bags. "There.", Taehyung said pointing to the counter top. After that both of them got buzy with unboxing and fixing the furnitures and other items. Past midnight, both of them, went back to their respective homes. be continued...

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