Chapter 28

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Jungkook's eyes traveled from his own lap to his mom who is embracing him tightly to her chest and glaring at Taehyung. "Stay away from my baby.", she said again to Taehyung. "Mom?", she looked at Jungkook who called her softly. "Mom. That's.. that's my husband.", Jungkook said. "No, he is not. He is not good for you. He will cheat you.", She said again and pulled him closer to her chest again glaring at Taehyung. "He won't. He will never. He never cheated on me, mom. He is not like his dad. If, he is like his dad, then.. why did he marry me?", Jungkook asked. "Mom. Listen. It's not him, it's me who divorced him. It's me who pushed him all this while without letting or giving him a chance to correct his and my mistakes.", Jungkook said wiping his eyes. "God, how naive I was. Without making me understand things, what did you do mom? You widen the gap between us by telling me every time that he is the one who is always wrong, he is the one who is problematic in our relationship. And, now you are telling me, you did for it someone who is not even alive?", Jungkook asked in disbelief. "You are spoiling my life for somebody who has nothing to do with neither my or his life now.", Jungkook said. "And how foolish I was. All I did was to love you unconditionally. And.. and you took advantage of it?", Jungkook asked and squirmed in her hold and stood up hastily. "Jungkook.. my baby.. my son.. listen to your mom.", Mrs Jeon extended her hand to hold him. But Jungkook pushed her hand and walked out of the room. "Jungkook.. dear..", Mrs Jeon rushed behind him. Taehyung breathed out and trailed behind them out of the room.

"Listen mom. He is my husband. And the small baby sleeping there in that room is his son. My life is with them. And whatever comes along with it, I will endure it myself, even if it's happiness or sadness.", Jungkook stopped on his steps and turned and gritted to his mom. "So please stay away from marriage life.", Jungkook said. "See.. see.. what you did, you bastard. Because of you my baby is talking back to me. Because of you my baby, I am seeing dislike in his eyes for the first time. You.. you are same as him. Are you happy now?", Mrs Jeon ran to Taehyung and gripped his tees collar tightly and asked by yanking him.  "Mom.. leave him. What are you doing?", Jimin rushed to his mom and pulled her back. "Get out. Get out. Get out from here.. from my babies life.", Mrs Jeon shouted at Taehyung who was standing there motionless. "Mom. It's not him who has to leave from here. I am not saying who it is.", Jungkook said angrily. "Jimina, listen. He is not on his right mind. Make him understand.", Mrs Jeon said. "Stop it. I am not saying or reacting to anything till now is only because I respect you as Jungkook's mom. And I am not accountable for whatever my dad did to you. It was between you two. And he is no more in this world or else you could have gone to him and fought. I love your son. I need him in my life forever. So, please stay out of our life. We have already wasted our two years fighting each other for god knows what and why?", Taehyung said. "But I don't want to waste anymore time and days. Jungkook was my husband and will be always. Hyung, please arrange the papers, so can get married again.", Taehyung said to Suga. "It's okay Jungkook. Your mom is not in right mind now. Leave it. Don't stress yourself.", Taehyung said and walked to Jungkook and pulled him to his chest. Jungkook nodded and wiped his overflowing eyes.

"NO..NO.. I WON'T ALLOW IT.. YOU HEARD IT, I WON'T ALLOW IT AGAIN.", Mrs Jeon shouted and pushed Jimin who was holding her and rushed to Taehyung again but this time with the brass vase which is kept on the shelve. She threw her hands up and hit it on his head. Everyone's eyes widen as noone expected that sudden attack. "JUNGKOOK", the voice is echoed in that apartment. The brass vase held in her hand slipped and fall down with a bang and her eyes widen. "Jun..Jung..Jungkook.. my.. my son.", Mrs Jeon shuttered seeing the boy falling down like a shattered piece of glass vessel. Taehyung held him instantly before he could fall and touch the ground. "shit.. shit.. shit..", Taehyung shook the boy and immediately took him in his hands and rushed out of the house along with Suga. Mrs Jeon's eyes fell on the puddle of blood in the living room and she crotched down and sat on the floor. Jimin's trance was broken by the wailing of the baby from the next room. He wiped his eyes and ran to the bedroom, to Gukkie. He took Gukkie with his shivering hands and embraced him tightly. Gukkie started smooching his chest whining with sleepy eyes. Jimin stood up and walked to the kitchen and immediately made a bottle to Gukkie and gave him. His eyes travelled from Gukkie who is sucking the feeding bottle eagerly to his mom who is sitting on the floor looking at the blood.

Taehyung doesn't know how he carried that unconscious boy to the casualty wing in the hospital in his shivering and cold hands. As each second passed, he was turning into pale and lifeless. "Jungkook's bystander?", nurse called. Taehyung and Suga stood up from the waiting chair and run to her. He has lost lots of blood, we need the blood immediately, his blood group is rare, it's O negative. Please do the needful to arrange it immediately.", nurse said. "O negative, hyung.", Taehyung asked Suga. "Let me call Jimin. Jimin's is A+ve. May be his mother's. Let me call.", Suga said and took his cellphone. "Jimin. Is mom's blood group O-ve??? We need it urgently.", Suga asked. "No hyung, mom's is A+ve. Our dad's was O-ve.", Jimin said weeping. "I.. I will call you then.", Suga said and hung up the call and shook his head looking at Taehyung. "Don't worry. Let me contact the blood bank and office. Don't be tensed. We can arrange.", Suga said and took his cellphone and rushed out. Taehyung sat on the chair and wiped his face with his both hands.

After a half an hour, Taehyung saw the most unexpected person running to him. "Mine is O-ve. I can donate.", Taehyung looked at the person's concerned face. "Daiki.", Taehyung called. "Inform the nurse.", Daiki said. Taehyung nodded and stood up and rushed to the casualty. "He can donate.", Taehyung said. "oh, okay. Please come we need to take the sample and do some test.", nurse said and walked ahead. "Don't worry, he will be fine. Mm.. Jimin.. Jimin told me.", Daiki said to Taehyung and tapped his shoulder and walked behind the nurse.

Jimin and Mrs Kim came to the hospital with Gukkie after fifteen more minutes. "How is he?", Mrs Kim asked Taehyung. "The doctor didn't say anything till now.", Taehyung said. "Mm.. Jimin told me everything. I.. I didn't knew she.. she was your dad's. He didn't told me anything.", Mrs Kim said and sat besides Taehyung and cupped his hands. "Did dad cheated on you as well, mom?", Taehyung asked in a serious voice. Mrs Kim shook her head negatively. "Never. Till his death, he was loyal to me and you. He loved me, Taehyung, crazily and that's the reason I was able to grew you up alone without thinking about a second marriage.", Mrs Kim said. "Did he cheated on Jungkook's mom with you?", Taehyung asked. "I don't know. Ours was an arranged marriage. We fell in love after the marriage.", Mrs Kim said. Taehyung nodded. "Whatever it is. It is my baby who is suffering. If something happens to him. I don't leave anyone, whoever it is.", Taehyung said and looked at Jimin who wiped his eyes Taehyung looked at Gukkie who is looking at the hospital wall with the round bambi eyes by sucking his fist. Taehyung extended his hands and Jimin gave him to Taehyung's. Gukkie giggling cupping Taehyung's cheeks. Taehyung took a heavy breathe and kissed his forehead, the fresh eyes fall drop by drop on Gukkie's little hands. be continued...

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