"Yes?" He asked, as his hands bound together in his back and rocked on his heels. I pushed myself off Cedric's lap and leaned against the tree next to him, looking up at Amos.

"What's with you, Amos? You've been acting strange the past few days."

"I- uhm – no. Okay! You know I can't lie to the two of you." He sighed in defeat, Cedric and I looked at each other smirking before turning back to his dad. "This year will be different at Hogwarts... You can't tell anyone until Dumbledore does, promise?"

"Promise." We crossed our hearts.

We were packing our school trunks In Cedric's bedroom the day before we left for school. I took my last stack of clothes out of the closet and placed them neatly in the trunk. I frowned when I saw an expertly wrapped package in my trunk, I picked up the brown package and held it closer for inspection. I turned to look at Cedric who was putting his books in his own trunk.

"Cedric, did you put this in?"

He looked over to me, his brows gathered. "No, I have one too. I thought you packed it for me."

"No, I didn't." I looked back at the brown package, giving it a squeeze. "It's soft."

"Mine too." Cedric walked past me to the door of our room. "Mum?"

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Can you come in for a sec?" He asked before he walked back to his trunk. Olive came in the room with a smile, looking between the two of us. "Did you put this in?"

"I did. It was required for all fourth years and up, it was on your school list." She walked closer and took my package in her hands. "I'm guessing your father already spilled the beans?"

"Uhm, yeah." Cedric chuckled.

"Why am I not surprised." She smiled, shaking her head. "Your mum sent it over a few days ago, I haven't seen it myself." She told me.

"What is it? Can I open it?"

"You can but then there is no surprise left."

Cedric and I shared a look, and Olive already knew what it meant. She smiled before she left the room, closing the door behind her. We tore open the packages even before the door was fully shut.

"Dress robes?" We called in unison as we turned to each other holding the clothes still folded in our hands.

"Maybe there will be a gathering, a party or something. Or maybe after the winner is declared, there will be a feast."

"Certainly a possibility." He eyed his black robes. He glanced over the ball gown in my hands. The baby blue fabric would suit her perfectly, he saw some embroidery on it, but the dress was still folded so he couldn't be sure. "Are you going to put it on?"

"Uhm, no not yet. Want to keep it for the special occasion." I folded the wrapper back around it and placed it carefully in my trunk.
He watched her put the dress back in her trunk, he would have done anything to see her in that dress.

"Where is Gwen?" His father asked as he entered the sitting area that evening. Cedric looked up from his book and placed it upside down on his lap.

"She went with mum to the store. You know her, she wants to help as much as she can before we leave for Hogwarts."

"She's an amazing young woman." His father said softly as he took the seat next to him. "Cedric, you know I can't keep anything from you, so I need to say this."

The Tale of GuinevereWhere stories live. Discover now