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Don't quit, put in the work and your time will come

My eyes barely awake and I can hear my mother yelling at my siblings downstairs, sometimes I wish was homeless again but then I can't keep going back to my ex just to get somewhere to lay my head down, I also cannot deal with her father. Sharing a bed with Juke at the tender age of twenty wasn't my idea of making it, but I have to keep going, I need patience, I can't give up now "mom said she wants to speak to you and for you to get up, she said get a job!!" Cheyne shouted, that brother of mine, my youngest brother that is, he is a pain "I have a job dickhead" I just uttered, I can't bring myself to leave this bed because I have to actively show my mother I am wanting this job, I'm don't though. I just want to rap, that is what I want and I know my time is coming "Oakley!" Cheyne shouted "bro, I know. I am coming" I shouted back "I was just saying, walk us to school too" he ran off, younger siblings are the worst.

Sighing out seeing my mother in a rush, one thing about my mother and she will always do this. She will act busy, she isn't. My other siblings are teenagers and they don't need much taking care of but according to her they need it, I am bamboozled to think how much this woman hates me sometimes, I am the issue "boys, go. You will be late" my mother pushed them to leave, I didn't say anything I just watched on "Oakley is walking us" Cheyne pointed "oh he isn't, he has his first day at a new job. No more road, no more drugs, right?" Nodding my head, she is dead against me a lot of the times "go on!" She shouted "just go, I will see you tonight ok" Juke rolled his eyes "I will see you later" dapping both of my brothers "love you both, you know that" they seem deflated but I don't mind walking them, also they want to go in my car. I have a car which my mother doesn't know about, she will question how I can afford it but she doesn't need to know "your silence?" My mother pointed out "just thinking, I'm going to have breakfast. Can I have bread?" I asked "never said you can't, but you need to start earning real money. No more drugs" she pointed, I barely touched it, but what did she want me to do when I was left alone "I am happy you have decided to start working now, a real job. Rapping and gang life isn't it, I care" the word care, little does mother know I am making money to get studio time, which means she will kick me out once again which I have accepted.

I am late, I may have done this on purpose but I am late to the first day of work. I am being escorted to my designated room I should be in, this tedious office job is going to really have me on edge "we have one that was late" the guy opened the door and announced, I cringed a little because now it will be all eyes on me. The door opened wider and the lady came out "oh you must be Oakley, you aren't late at all. Come in" she is happy as ever "I am Faye, your trainer. If you want to sit down, lucky your manger isn't here. She will be meeting you all soon" nodding my head, seeing the group of people, majority male with a few girls scattered around, I chose to sit on the first seat I saw which was next to some young guy "Faye I have to do this now, I don't have the time to do it later" seeing this beautiful young woman, she is young but she is pretty as fuck to me, my eyes laid on her lips, who is this girl anyways, there is a few pretty girls around actually "ok class, well that makes it sound like we are in school but team. This is your manager Kenza" I breathed out, she is really the manager "really?" It just came out "you look like you just came in" Kenza scowled at me "you assumed" I pointed out "I saw" she retorted back to me "agree to disagree" I smiled "I got my eye on you already, so ice breakers" I groaned out already, I am over it because I don't do nine to five.

The glances me and Kenza gave each other, I feel she is waiting for my turn and in my mind I am thinking on how to switch it up "thank you Neil for telling us, so next" she looked at me and I just smiled, I smile because I know that every girl says to me that my smile is the best "the group is waiting" sitting up in the chair "how about we hear about yourself first, you are the boss right?" Let me play it off "that is something I will be doing after you tell the group" she has the urge to get smart with me which is funny "you know what, fine. I am Kenza and I have worked here for a year now. I'm twenty two and my favourite thing is travelling and also I am a foodie" she beamed "you worked your way up fast" the words came out so crazily that I couldn't hold myself, the group sniggered and her face dropped, insinuating she did more then just what she worked for "I don't think so" she spat "I mean like in a good way, I'm Oakley, I'm twenty. And it's my second job, I like music, money too" I shrugged, this so awkward because she isn't impressed by me "such a formal name for a boy like you" she called me boy now "never judge a book" I smirked.

I guess this job will do, it won't be the best thing but I need some money "will you even be coming back?" One the boys asked as I left the building "what you mean? Bro I need a job" I have to laugh because I need money "I understand you but I'll give you a listen" he saluted me walking off, I am promoting my shit too, I have too. I made my way out of the building and I see my boys; why are they even here and outside looking up to no good, jogging down the steps "my guy got a shirt on, he ready for the world!!" Wadz shouted at me "bro!" I half shouted "woah" catching the person I hit into onto the steps, but I know that smell, her perfume was unique to me when she first came into the room "you are trouble, my god" she moved away from me, Kenza is not impressed "you was in the way? How is that my fault. But you good?" She nodded her head smiling "I'm good, just waiting on my man" I frowned "your man yeah" Kenza sighed out "he's there" looking behind me "keeping it in the family, I see how it is" I chuckled "maybe catch you tomorrow" jogging down the rest of the steps, her man isn't all that to begin with "K dot wants to see you" what's new with him, he always wants to see me about something "who that? She fine bro" I shrugged as a grin played on my face "my manager you know" Wadz gasped "nah bro you playing with me? What you mean manager, she single" stuffing my hands in my pockets as I made my way down the road seeing K Dot car "her man is right there" Wadz turned to look "he ain't you" I have to laugh "man shut up" shaking my head, she's cute but not all that.

Once I dapped the boys I felt a vibe, a vibe I always get when they want something, he only comes around when it's something to gain or something is going on. But these are my boys, my gang, my family and this rap thing I owe to them too, for the loyalty to say the least, but I need to push myself to get on a better level "you enjoy your first day here? Made momma Rach happy!" K dot joked, rubbing the side of my face "got to make the parents happy, she's ok but erm, everything ok?" My brother is calling but he can wait "there is a guy that works here, he's CEO at this place but he wasn't CEO for nothing, that motherfucker is an ex convict. He came out of jail and switched up yeah, I want you to delve into it more. His name is now Kevin, but it wasn't at first. He ran the streets, he's the one that killed my elder, I need you to just find out how he rolls because he rolls with the big boys, always has bodyguards. I need to get to him, I'm just going to leave this with you, you don't have to do anything but I just want information" nodding my head "so Kevin yeah? Big man CEO, I've seen his name on some letter thing there but ok" I guess I have something to do "so you still perusing rap though?" I chuckled "yeah, this is a side mission that's all. Make a little money" K dot nudged me "we can fund you" I shook my head, I rather not because it could be a debt that turns out to be worse than anything.

Second day being here at this work place and I hate it already, but I can deal with it. Walking out of the building, I am glad it's over but my dad decided to catch up with me "we got to stop meeting like this" looking to the side of me "oh you're stalking me now, didn't come into see me then?" I grinned, Kenza is buff though "people are busy, no time to sleep" I laughed "oh man, that is jarring you know that?" This is funny "your trainer told me but keep awake next time, I need to take this" looking away from her, my dad is waiting for me at the bottom of the steps and I'm just stood here; do I walk off or do I stay here and wait around, I mean she didn't really tell me to go she just said she is taking the call "I'm sorry but you said wait for you? What do you mean you left before me, oh wow" I cringed, trouble with her man "oh fuck off" my eyebrows raised "fucking men, anyways I'm leaving now. But please try and stay awake, and also you literally work for a finance company and you're dressed as a roadman, needs to stop" walking down the steps "that's just me, accept me or don't" I shrugged "and I do clearly, see you tomorrow then" nodding my head "you need a lift home?" I offered "no thank you, best behaviour Oakley" she walked off but in the opposite direction, looks like she doesn't drive "son" I totally forgot about my dad being here "hey" dragging my eyes away from her; my manager is actually fine.

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