New Home

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Chapter 38
New Home

You sat in the bedroom, packing your things while Mark went out to get a mode of transport, leaving you to pack up all of your essentials. You folded and placed your clothes into a box, doing the same to Marks clothes but in a separate box. You had the radio on, playing the top charts, you sang along to the songs you knew.

Finishing up your clothes, you move to the living room, placing another box on the coffee table, you walk tontine shelves, smiling at the photo that sat in the shelf. You pick it up, going back to the couch, sitting down and looking at the picture.

"Hey [S/N]." You say in a low tone. "I'm sorry I've had to move you again and again. But i promise this'll be the last time..." You stand up about to put her in the box, then you look at the photo of Marks sister. You pick it up, smiling at then both. "Your both going to be Aunties soon... its crazy how fast things have gone so far..." You place them both carefully into the box.

"Angelina would've loved you. And she would've been a awesome Aunt." You jump slightly, being startled by his voice. You turn around to see Mark leaning on the entrance way, chuckling at your reaction.

"Same goes for [S/N]. She always said she'd be the type to spoil their niece or nephew." You giggle, the idea of your dear sisters reaction to you being pregnant.

"They'll both protect our little one from where they are. I know they will." You smile at his comment.

"You found us some transport?" Mark nods.

"Yep, we now own a bigger car. And everything for the house is okay." You nod, smiling.

"How'd you manage that with being wanted?"

"Fake names, you'll need one too, although your alot more recognisable then me, they still don't know about my scar, but the world knows about yours." You nod in agreement.

"We'll figure it out."

"Right, let's finish packing and get on the road, got a long journey ahead of us." Mark claps his hands together, leaving the room to make a start on loading the car up, and helping you with packing.


After about an hour of packing and loading up the car, the place was empty, leaving no traces of you both being there other then the painted rooms and the furniture you couldn't bring with you. You both stood at the doorway of the building, looking around at the place. Mark had one arm around your shoulder, holding you close. "I can't believe we're leaving." You say, feeling slightly sad.

"Me neither, I'll miss this place."

"Yeah... same. We have many memories here."

"Yeah well, we'll make more and better ones in our new home." He pulls you closer, kissing your forehead, making you smile.

"It's a hummer we can't take the furniture you built." Mark chuckles.

"Well if you like them so much, I'll build all the furniture in our new home." You look up to him.

"I'd like that, fuck the store built rubbish." He smiles down to you, pulling you in for a soft quick kiss.

"Let's get moving, all set to go?" He takes his arm off of you, readying to leave. You take one last look at the place, then turn back to Mark.

"Yeah, I'm ready, let's go." Mark opens the door, letting you exit first. He throws the keys for the place on one of the tables, making the decision to never return. You both hop in the car, which was full with your boxes of belongings. You kept a bag with you which was filled with snacks and drinks for the journey, in your seat you had a blanket, thinking you'll need it for the long hours ahead of you both.

You buckle yourselves in, then leave the allyway, getting onto the main road. A wave of sadness hits you, seeing the allyway disappear. "On the way can we get some food?"

"Of course, we'll have to get fast food though so we can eat it on the go." You nod, then turn on the radio, keeping it at a low volume as it was just there for background noise.

You drove for hours and hours, Mark getting sleepy at the wheel, you took many naps, you stopped at least twice for food or just a leg stretch break. Once you finally reached the town of your new home, it was late meaning no one was around. You looked out the window as you both slowly drive through its quiet streets.

You both settled on moving to a small town, at the opposite end of the country. The place was so small that everyone knew of eachother, and everything was local. After turning a couple corners, you come to a stop. You look out the window to the home that stood before you. "We're here." Mark speaks up, yawning afterwards.

You both get out of the car, walking up the patio and to the front door. Mark looked under the welcome mat, revealing the keys the seller agreed to leave for you both. "Ready?" He says to you, before putting the key in the door.

"Yes. Yes I'm ready." He nods, opening the door. You both walk in, you stand there, taking in your surroundings.

"It's perfect." Mark smiles as you speak. He comes up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and rests his head onto yours.

"Now THIS will be our forever home..." he says softly. You smile and place your hands over his, he gently squeezes you, then moves his hands to your stomach, planting a kiss on your cheek. "Let's get the boxes in and sleep for the night, I'm exhausted." You agree with him, then you both head outside back to the car.

Mark parks the car into the drive, then you both work together to bring in the boxes. You both dump them into the living area, intending to properly sort through them all in the morning. You make a makeshift bed out of blankets, unfortunately you both had to sleep on the floor for tonight.




1042 Words

[Apologise for the shorter chaoter.]

[We hit 10K I'm actually surprised at how well this has done, I wrote it not expecting to get much attention. Thank you all for the support and love, and thank you to those who leave comments, i love reading them all!!]

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