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Chapter 16

The next morning you woke up, your wrists and downstairs in pain.

Never once has a man made me ache afterwards.

You looked besides you to see Mark sleeping peacefully. You smile seeing him besides you. You shuffle closer to him, pressing your forehead against his, apparently waking him up.

"Mm, morning gorgeous." Your smile grows even more.

"Morning. No work today?" He shakes his head no, rolling onto his back rubbing his eyes.

"No. Since they didn't let me have yesterday off when they was supposed too, I've got today off instead." His voice was croaky. He sat up, his hair falling infront of his eyes.

Hot hot hot hot hot.

He throws the blanket off of him, getting out of bed, he only had some shorts on. You sit up, admiring him as he stretches. He looks over his shoulder to see you staring.

"What you staring at?" He chuckles.

"You, moron." You both laugh.

"Stooop." He jokingly covers himself, laughing afterwards then heading to the bathroom. You follow not too long after to brush your teeth. Once done he follows behind you as you make your way downstairs.

"Mark I can sense your behind me."

"No you can't," you look over your shoulder to see him obviously staring at your ass. "Who's got a staring problem now then, hm?"

"What? Just admiring what's mine." He smirks, going into the kitchen with you. "Nice ass by the way."

"Fuck off." You laugh. He watches you as you get yourself some juice from the fridge. "You look especially nice in my clothes." You wore one of his button up shirts he'd usually wear to work, it falling off of one shoulder due to how big it was. "Should wear them more often."

"Maybe I will." You take a sip of your drink.

"So, we swapping houses today?"

"I believe so, back to my appartment for a week." He hums, thinking.

"Why don't you just move in here? Think a house is more practical then a appartment?"

"I live here anyways." You both chuckle. " we'll spend this last week there then we will, agreed?"

"Deal." He clicks his finger at you. "Aaannnnndddd how about I take you out for lunch today?" He stands besides you.

"May as well while we have a free day." He smiles. Kissing your forehead.

"No breakfast then so we can fill up!" He says as he leaves the kitchen to get dressed upstairs. You look up to the clock,

10am. Damn we got up late.

You finish your drink, putting the cup in the sink. You head upstairs to get changed. You look through your draw.

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