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Chapter 34

You groan, the light of the morning sun practically blinding your only eye. You squint and sit up, rubbing your eye, you look besides you, to be greeted with a empty bed.

That's right... he left...

You look around the room, not exactly knowing what to do with yourself. For fhe first time in 6 long months, you felt so lost. Your moment of emptiness was interrupted by puke coming up your throat. You slam a hand over your mouth, rushing to the bathroom. Swinging the door open and falling to the floor, you throw up in the toilet, holding onto the sides for support. This time was worse then the day before.

You spit the rest out, falling against the wall, legs and arms spread out on the ground. You felt weak, your mind was blank. You stare into space, waiting for the feeling of wanting to throw up more to pass. After what felt like eternity, the feeling went, you weakly stand up, coughing lightly. You walk to the sink, running the tap and rinsing your mouth.

You make your way back to the bedroom, feeling empty. You sit yourself om the bed, staring at nothing.

Why didn't I tell him...

You then notice a piece of paper which was folded on your bedside table, neatly placed under the foot of the bear plush Mark gave you. You lofted up the plush, setting it in your lap, then you pick up the paper.


was written on the front in beautiful hand writing, which was Marks. You open it, to reveal a long letter.

[Y/N]. By the time your reading this, I would have already left. There's a few things I just wanted to remind you of.
For a start, I'm sorry. I know you didn't want me to continue. But I promise you, hand on heart, this'll be the end of it all.
You know, im so grateful to have you, I never thought I'd be blessed with anyone as perfect as you. I never thought I deserved it. Your just what I wanted and needed. I mean it when I say I can't loose you.

When you said we could start a family, that idea has not left my mind once, I would love nothing more then to start anew, and have a family with you. I never liked the idea of having my own children, but with you, it'll be a dream come true.

I will return to you, I cannot give you the exact date when I will return, but it'll be within 2 weeks at most. Please, I beg, if I don't return I'm 3 WEEKS you must flee the country, protect yourself. I've left you all of your favourites and essentials, you know where the money is kept, take it all with you if it comes down to fleeing.

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