The Workshop

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Chapter 5
The Workshop

You was taken into John's car, as he led the way to a unknown location, as you arrived it appeared to be a run down ware house with 'Gideon' writen on it. He parked up in a allyway, so the car was hidden and outside of a metal door.
John got out the car, you following his steps.

What the fuck am I doing?

He unlocked the door and walked inside. As you followed behind him you inspected every corner of this warehouse, it was definitely abandoned, you walked through many hall ways, eventually coming through a door way covered with see through plastic door covers.
"Here we are." You walked into a large open space, which was littered with tables that held various machinery and tools. It was rather overwhelming being around all this dangerous equipment. "Please, look around." John says as he wonders off to a desk, which sat the pig mask you saw the day you was kidnapped.
You did as he told, looking at all the equipment, you got to a table which held another headpiece, which was on a mannequin head. Besides it was the blueprints for it.
"Reverse bear trap...?" You whispered as you read its notes. "Your mouth will be... permanently ripped open..?" You then looked at more blueprints underneath it to see the designs of your own trap, looking besides them you noticed the space was empty, assuming it originally sat there before it was attached to you.

What the fuck am I doing. I should run, I can tell Mark this exact location and end this madness.

You snap out of thought, and look towards John. You place down the blueprints and storm over to him, slamming your hands on his desk. He didn't even jump or look at you.
"Why me, huh? Why'd you pick me? And why are you trusting me so much? I can run right now and call the department telling them your EXACT location!"

"Would you do that though, [Y/N]? You don't have anything to lose being here."

"Gee thanks. I can still run and get your ass arrested!"

"And who would you tell, [Y/N]?" His calm and still voice was sending chills down your spine, how was this guy so calm?
You stand up straight and fold your arms over your chest.

"The detective on my case, I'm sure he'd come straight down here to end this murder streak of yours."
John chuckled.

"I'm afraid you won't get far with that."
Your facial expression softened as your arms unfolded, pulling a confused face.

"Whats that supposed to mean..?"

"He's one of us too, moron." You turn to face where the voice came from. There stood a woman with short black hair, a blue t shirt and black jeans which were baggy at the bottom. "He was the first to join John actually." She says as she walks over to the desk to stand besides John. "We told you this was a bad idea."

"Just bare with her, Amanda." Amanda scoffed, rolling her eyes. "[Y/N], I chose you because you've proven just how strong you are, your the last person standing in your family, you was tested and came out alive, more then once. I wasn't the only person who had tested you. Having you here is significantly beneficial to both our and your own cause." Your eye looks to the side as he talks. "You have everything it takes to test others just like you experienced, in reality, where do you have to turn? I'm offering you a opportunity to be something. To DO something."

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