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Chapter 27

"Stay close to me... we're going to be okay..." You nod, he leads you out of the building, you staying close behind him, you leave the building, sticking to allyways.

"Mark, where are we going...?"

"There's a warehouse close by John used to work in, I've worked there a couple times before, we'll stay there for the night." He continues to lead the way, limping slightly and keeping his wounds covered, your head throbbing. You couldn't believe what was happening, the wife to John Kramer had not only left you unable to escape, leaving you to rot, but she also tried to kill Mark.

You both finally reach a warehouse, Mark opens the large door, sliding inside, you following behind, shutting the door. Mark places down the trap, making his way to a table across the room. You stand in one spot, looking around the warehouse. Mark walks back over to you, a box in hand filled with various first aid equipment. He pulls out a chair near you, then grabs a mirror, putting it on the table infront of the chair, a TV on the same table. He sits down slowly removing his hand from his cheek, he grunts at the pain. You look over to him, panick setting in once again. "holy shit!" You rushed to his side, you inspect the wound. You start scrambling in the box.

"It's fine, [Y/N]. Let me deal with it al-"

"Absolutely not, you've injured your hand too, let me do it. Plus I know what I'm doing." You pull out a clean cloth, and the tools you'll need to stitch his wound together. "Got a bowl and a tap?" Mark points into a room behind him. You nod, rushing over, entering a bathroom. You scramble under the sink and find a pile of metal bowls, not evening wanting to question why they was in a bathroom, you ran the water, putting warm water into the bowl, you bring it back over to Mark, putting the cloth in the bowl to soak. You look back to his wound. "It's almost reached your ear. This is going to hurt. Alot. Unless you have a local anesthesia?" He shakes his head no.

"That is all the medical equipment we have." You nod.

"Alright, I'm gonna clean around the area first, then I'll start stitching you up. Then i'll check your hand." Mark nods, you bring the bowl to the end of the table, taking out the cloth and ringing it out, so it didn't drip. You brought it to his face, "Ready?" Mark nods slowly, you then begin to clean around the area, Mark hissed at first, but the longer you did it the more he relaxed. You both stayed silent as you wiped down his face, occasionally dipping the cloth back in the water, once you cleaned around it enough you put it away, grabbing the stitching supplies. You took a deep breathe. You look around the room, looking for another seat. You see no sight of one, you shrugged, sitting into Marks lap being careful to not knock his hand. He rests the hand that was undamaged on your hip. "Look to the side for me." He moves his head to the side, the wound facing you perfectly, "I'm not gonna start, you sure your prepared for this?"

"Just do it." You take a deep breath, aiming the curved needle.

"Alright..." You push the needle into his cheek, he grunts, squeezing your hip and squinting his eyes, "I'll be as quick as I can." You keep going, stitching his cheek back together.

It took a while but it was finally done, you tie the end, securing it won't come loose. You reach behind you, grabbing the bowl and quickly cleaning the rest of the blood off of his neck.

You put the bowl down, then checking his hand. You slowly remove the cloth he had wrapped around it. "Your thumbs broken?"

"Yeah. I broke it to get myself out of the restraints." You nod.

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