We Are Alike

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Chapter 8
We Are Alike

You lead Mark to your appartment room, unlocking the door allowing him in. You locked the door behind you both and leaving the keys on the side in their usual spot.
"You can have my bed, I'll sleep on the couch." You head towards your room to grab your spare blanket, your voice was still low. Mark chuckled.

"Don't be ridiculous, go to your bed I'll be on the couch." He headed for the living room, obviously knowing where it is.

"Are you s-"

"Yes, [Y/N]." You shrugged, going into your room, coming out with your spare blanket and pillows, since your bed was a king sized bed and you love to be comfortable, you had loads of spare blankets and pillows. You took them to Mark who was going through his phone, he has his coat from before in his lap. You put them besides him.

"Would you like me to show you around or..?" Mark smiled at you.

"That won't be necessary, I've been here before." You just ignored it.

Of course it was him who kidnapped me. Why wouldnt it of been.

"Speaking of which, why me?" He asked, you shrugged.

"I'll take any form of company," He nodded.

"Well, goodnight, [Y/N]." You smile weakly.

You go to your room. You shut the door and dump your bag and jacket on the floor. You sigh deeply. You sit on the edge of your bed, staring into space.

He's dead. Your murderer is dead, [S/N].

Without realsiing it, tears begin to fall down your cheek, as you get lost in thought.

I really did it? This is reality, I gave him a test. He failed. I'm officially apart of John's team, and I already have blood on my hands.

You look at your hands.

Blood that I will never regret spilling.

You snapped out of thought, rubbing your eye to wipe away the tears. You began to get out of your clothes, and into a baggy shirt. You finally climb into bed.

You had been tossing and turning for hours, before giving up. You wrapped yourself up in a thin blanket, and leave your room. You slowly walk to the living room. You pause for a moment before raising your hand to knock on the door frame.


You begin to walk away.
"[Y/N]?" You paused.

"Can I... sit with you... just for a bit if you don't mind..." You whispered. You hear shuffling, and the lamp on your coffee table was turned on.

"Of course." Marks voice was groggy, he was sat up, with the blanket over his lap, he wore a white vest top, which outlined his features and his hair was messy. A shade of light pink brushed your cheeks.

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