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Hello fellow saw fans!
Just want to clarify a few things before you all read this story.

Before I start, I just want to say this story is a huge trigger warning, mainly with violence, loss, self harm, suicide/depression, drug abuse, alcoholism, mature content and more.
So please, if your sensitive to any of these topics, do not continue to read.

This story will be quite slow paced, as I want it to be as realistic to the story of Saw as possible, so pre warning for that!
Your trap happens at the same time as Lawrence and Adam in saw 1. No your not in the bathroom trap, I won't spoil what your in though so you'll have to read it for yourselves. You never actually get told about Doctor Gordon being in a trap, all you know is that he's missing.

Incase your confused or just curious before reading as to what your characters story is about I shall explain, but don't read if you don't want spoilers for it!

You, as the reader, have no family left. Your parents died in a car accident, leaving your younger sister in the care of your hands. This happened when you was 20 and your sister was 9. You was left with all your parents earnings, which was enough to set you up with your own apartment which you shared with your sister.
You work as a nurse, working under Lawrence Gordon.
After 11 years, when your sibling turned 20 and had found a home for herself, she was attacked on her way from her job, being rushed into your hospital, her injuries where too severe and she couldn't be saved. She died in your hospital and you never got to say your final goodbye.

You was already in a bad state due to only having your sibling, but this final event made you reach your tipping point.
You constantly self harmed, your covered in scars, and you began to drink yourself into the ground, experimenting with drugs and leaving yourself open to men.

This interfered with your job, causing you to get fired, and you became jobless, living off of your earnings from nursing you had saved, which was supposed to go towards buying a house.

The proper details will be explained throughout the story.

Now, I do not believe I'm forgetting anything else, so, thank you for reading!

I hope you enjoy it and let me know if there is anything I can do to improve it!


Key words:

[Y/N] Your Name
[L/N] Last Name
[S/N] Sisters Name

[H/C] Hair Colour
[H/L] Hair Length
[E/C] Eye Colour
[F/F] Favourite Food
[F/M] Favourite Movie
[F/C] Favourite Colour
[C/F] Cake Flavour
[F/D] Favourite Drink


Any chapter with (!!) Next to it's title means it has lemon/shut content!

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