Lets Talk

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Chapter 36
Let's Talk

You sat in your chair, still tied down, completely blank, not exactly knowing what to do. Lawrence had left the room, you wasn't sure for certain where he went, but you had been sat in silence for a while now.

You didn't know how to react, you suspected something bad would happen while Mark was gone, whether it was to you or him, you had a feeling something was going down, you just prayed it was only you. You sat in thought, tears silently falling down your cheek. You look down to the necklace around your neck.

Please be safe Mark. Please.

Lawrence returned into the room, you look directly at him and the direction he came from, which were the main doors. You follow him as he limos his way to you, stopping infront of you. "Finally back are we?" You scoff at him. He sits back down.

"[Y/N]. Honestly this isn't exactly how I ever wanted to see you. It pains me."

"So untie me then?"

"I can't risk that." You roll your eyes, looking to the side of you. "Figueed out what to do with you."

"How exciting." He sighs.

"You need help, [Y/N]. Once this is over, your going to hand yourself to the police, they see you as mentally unstable and send you to a psychiatric ward." You chuckle slightly.

"Your clueless, Larry. Fucking clueless. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather that then a prison cell, but you genuinely have the wrong idea of me."

"Do I? I don't think I do." You look back at him.

"Back when we worked together, I needed help. I absolutely needed it, Marks been the help I needed, if you can believe it." Lawrence nods, crossing his arms, he stays silent for a second as if he was thinking, but you break the silence. "Lawrence, John's dead. You don't have to follow his wishes. No one will come after you for it. So can you just, hear me out? Have a conversation with me as if we are catching up." He looks back at you. The look his eyes held showed he liked the idea. "I'll tell you everything, and I'm curious as to what's been going on with your life." He looks away, then back to you.

"Fine, we'll talk. But I'm keeping you tied for now." You smile softly, feeling both pleased with yourself you have a better chance of a positive outcome, and knowing his little soft spot for you was still there.

"Fine by me. Well then, what's been happening with you?" He takes a deep breathe.

"Obviously I was tested, along side someone else. Unfortunately, they didn't make it out. I did by sawing my foot off." You nod. "I was put in there for 'neglect of my patients'." He closes his eyes, sighing. "And for having a affair. After I escaped I was held by John, who fixed me up and set me up with the prosthetic, even helped me walk again, but he only helped me so he could get me to join him. Obviously I agreed under the circumstances no one knew."

"Doesn't sound like you got a choice anyway."

"not really no. Anyway, he told me about you, since he was our paitant he knew we was somewhat close, told me you joined John too, but I couldn't tell you I was in on it all too because he feared Mark."

"Hm, makes sense I guess. But he's still not a psycho. You don't know him like I do."

"Which I'm prepared to listen to." You nod. "John also told me about Gabriel Trent. How it'll be you who tests him. Which is why I called that one time."

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