Settling In (!!)

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Chapter 29
Settling In

Across the next couple of days, you and Mark worked together to make this new 'home' feel more homely. You managed to figure a way to get around shopping, which ended up being only Mark could go out, the news had pronounced you both as missing, potentially dead. The police have no idea Mark has such a big and significant gash on his cheek, so he goes out as normal, using a fake name and wearing clothes to make his body look different. It was risky at first, but it's the best shot you both had of getting basic supplies.

Today you woke up to the sound of drilling. You groan at the sudden wake up call, crawling out of bed, hair messy and wrapped in a blanket, due to this place technically being a warehouse, it doesn't exactly keep the place warm. You open the bedroom door to see Mark sat on the floor, drilling into some, wood? "Mark? What are you doing?" You walk besides him, your eyes still slightly heav. He stops drilling and turning to face you. "Where'd you get all this from?"

"Morning for a start." He stood up, he wore a black shirt and some gray shorts. "This place had a storage unit attached to it, it had all sorts of tools, some spare wood, paint cans and alot of them." You furrow your brows at him. "So I thought I'd make us some things for the place, make it more, homely."


"I'm starting with some bookshelves, then a coffee table." He smiles at you. "I also thought you could paint that spare room we have and potentially turn that into our new living area." You look at all the supplies he had spread across the floor and the half built bookshelf, then to him.

"You really wasted no time in getting this place into shape, huh? And with only one hand?" You chuckle slightly, he shrugs.

"Might as well, this is where we're living for now." You smile at him.

"Let me get myself sorted and I'll get started on the living room." He smiles back at you, kissing you on the forehead. You leave to the bedroom, throwing the blanket to the bed, then going to the bathroom. You brush your teeth and brush your hair, tying it back into a low and messy ponytail, then you change into some joggers and a tight white shirt, which was slightly cropped. You open the door to the living area to see many cans of paint in the middle of the room, on top of news papers, there was step ladder leant against one wall and a set of different sized paint brushes. You look at the door, then step back out of the room, looking at the door way. "Hey Mark." He hums at you, dropped his tools down and walking to you. "We should take the door down and leave it as a opened space." Mark looks at the doorway, folding his arms.

"You know what, I agree. But we'll keep the door in the storage unit incase we turn it into something else."

"Like what?" He shrugs.

"I don't know, it's just incase we do." You nod as he picks back up the drill, starting to unscrew the hinges, detaching the door from its original spot, you help Mark move it to the side, against the wall near its original spot. You step back again, putting your thumbs up.


"Good, I'll get back to what I was doing, I've left all the paints in your hands, wasn't sure what colour to use." You nod at him as he walks away from you. You go back into the room, sitting on your knees on the ground, looking at all the paints. There was all sorts of different colours ranging from blue, red, yellow, pink, purple and black as well as different shades of grays. The walls currently were white. You look at the different shades of grays, specifically the lighter shade.

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