The Box

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Chapter 23
The Box

Mark exited the elevator, reaching the floor of the survivor, something inside of him was interested to see what she did to end up surviving, almost eager. As he steps out of the elevator, he was instantly greeted with Pamela Jenkins, a news reporter who was a bit too passionate about her job. "Detective Hoffman, how about a quick word?" Mark didn't look at her, he kept walking as she walked besides him holding a small notepad.

"Pamela Jenkins, the resisdent of Jigsaws successions."

"Just reporting the facts, Detective."

"Oh really? Is that what your doing. 'John Kramer, conundrum of, carnage'." He repeats one of her own lines in a recent report she did.

"If you'd like to make a statement on the record, I'd be more then happy to take it." Mark leans against the door way to the survivors hospital room as Pamela spoke.

"You know, twisting the facts to make a better story, its irresponsible. Now excuse me, nice catching you though." Mark turns to walk into the room.

"I know more about John Kramer then you might think, Detective." She crosses her arms. Mark turns back to face her.

"Somehow I doubt that."

"Kramer left his wife a box in his will. Did YOU know that." No, he did not. But now he does.

"Maybe I did maybe I didn't. How do you know it?" He asked curious as to how such information reached the public.

"It's a public record, for those who know where to look."

"Alrighr, what do you really want? Your clearly not here for a chat about Jigsaw."

"Jill Tuck. Help me get to her, and maybe I'll dial down on the 'fact twisting'." She smirks.

"Really? I'll see what I can do." He turns back into the room, shutting the door behind him, shutting Pamela out. There laid the survivor, without an arm. Mark spoke to her for a bit, before she blew up at a particular question she asked. Mark took that as his sign to leave, leaving the hospital, he had a message to meet with Perez and Erickson.

He met with them, discovering that they've figured out a different blade was used to cut out the classical Jigsaw piece, confirming they'd like to descramble some tapes, specifically Seth Baxters tape, as that case also had a different blade. Mark left the building, slightly panicked. He dialed your number. Again.

"Twice you've called me today, feel privileged." You pick up, you hear him get into his car.

"Normally I'd laugh at that, but nows not the time."

"Why what's going on?" Your voice sounds concerning.

"To start off, Jill Tuck is in possession of a box John left her, my guess is that it possesses more games, meaning she'll be finding us soon to give them us."

"Oh great, more games. When will this be over, Mark?"

"I'm going to go to her work, I'll get them off of her to speed things up a bit. This should be the last of it, quicker we finish it, quicker its over."

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