He's Got To Go

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Chapter 17
He's Got To Go

Once home, you both had a movie night with snacks before hitting the deck. In the morning, Mark was already gone for work, leaving you a message of where he was.

Today you planned on going into town on a solo adventure, considering you don't go far without Mark, you thought it would be nice to go out on your own for a change. You got yourself dressed, wearing some jeans and jumper with some white trainers, you also stole Marks gold chained bracelet. You message Mark to let him know you are going into town for a bit, and to call when he's finished work.

You leave the appartment complex, walking down the streets. Almost everyone you walked by took a glance at your missing eye, you try and keep your head up high to avoid them.

The whole time you couldn't quite shake the feeling of being followed, it felt like your every move was being followed. No matter how many stores you entered, the feeling never left, if you looked around you, nobody was in sight.

After a good couple of hours of exploring different stores and locations, you picked yourself up a coffee for the walk back to your appartment, on the way you passed by many pubs and clubs you used to go to regularly, memories flooding back of the many times you stumbled your way home on this exact route. One pub in particular made you stop in your tracks. You looked up to the building, this was the last place you had your last drink, a bit further ahead being the ally way Lawrence Gordon found you in. You take a deep breathe, starting to move again, you pass by the ally way, suddenly your grabbed from behind, a arm around your neck putting you into a headlock, you start to scream, but it was cut short by a cloth being put over your nose and mouth you frail your arms, trying to remove the arm holding you, or potentially hit the person. They started to drag you into the ally way as your vision and mind goes blank.


Mark heard a knock at the door. He leans back on his seat. "Come in" He says as Agent Erickson enters the room.

"Sorry to disturb, Detective Hoffman, there's a few things I'd like to discuss with you?" He says as he shuts the door behind him.

"Not a problem, please have a seat." Mark points to the chairs infront of him, "What is it you'd like to discuss, Erickson?"

"There's a few things, they all link back to Agenr Strahm." Mark nods. "Hes no longer on the case, however he insisted we carried out."

"Which are?"

"He'd like one more Interrogation with Jill Tuck." He pauses for a moment, taking a deep breathe. "And [Y/N] [L/N]. But I am not allowing him to interrogate them himself."

"Okay? Let's bring them in, I'll do i-"

"I know about your relation with [Y/N], Hoffman. You won't be interrogating her." Mark nods, realising it can't be hidden any longer.

"Not a problem, but may I ask, How'd you know?"

"Strahm saw you, and felt the need to report it, since she was someone you studied, he thought it should be reported back to us."

"I don't see a problem with it?" Mark shrugs.

"Neither do i, but he thought otherwise." He nods, listening to Erickson speak.

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