All Set

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Chapter 13
All Set

You both arrive at the hideout. Both clearly frustrated, especially Mark. He stormed ahead of you slightly as you made your way to John. You entered the usual spot, looking around.

"John?" Mark called out, not seeing a single sign of neither John or Amanda. You both went separate ways to search for him.

"John?" You peared around a corner to see John in a wheel chair with Amanda pushing him, they walked towards you.

"[Y/N], you made it. Detective is here with you, correct?" Everytime you saw him he sounded more frail, this time being especially bad.

"Yeah he is." Amanda glared at you as you spoke. John coughed slightly.

"Good, our new test subjects shall be collected soon." You nod.

"Are you going to tell me who it is yet?" John looked at you, then back, to the floor.

"His name is Jeff Denlon." You had a shocked expression across your face.

"Jeff? Why him? I worked with his wife for a while they both don't se-"

"Just shut up and do your job, [Y/N]." Amanda interrupted you.

I'm getting tired of this bitches Bullshit.

You glare at her then look at John.

"You'll understand soon enough." You nod. "His test isn't the only one that's going to happen. Detective is infact conducting his own test, for Officer Rigg." John continues.

"She should know that already." Amanda snaps.

"Infact Amanda, no, I did not."

"Surprising since your attached to the guy like a leach."

"Amanda." John hisses, making her go silent. Mark then finally finds everyone. Greeting them both and standing besides you.

"What was so important we had to be here so soon." Marks tone was sharper then usual.

"We start the tests, tomorrow." John replied, Mark nodding.

"So last minute adjustments?" John nods.

"And we need to discuss the plan with [Y/N]. It appears she's been left out of the loop." You look around to everyone, then fold your arms.

"Yeah, it does appear that way." Mark sighs.

"I completely forgot to tell you while you was nursing for John. Sorry [Y/N]." Amanda scoffs, making you both look at her. All 4 of you go over all the plans, how all the Traps are laid out, how there's 2 different tests at the same time and how it's all going to work and plan out together. After that, John and Amanda left to check everything, leaving you alone with Mark. You turn to him with a annoyed look across your face.

"So you never thought to tell me about your test with Rigg?"

"Listen it was nothing personal, we've both been busy." He leant closer to you. "And let's be realistic, neither of us want to discuss all of this while we're at home."

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