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Chapter 14

You left Riggs apartment, heading to the Gideon hideout, then to Marks Place. You walked into the warehouse, taking off your mask and cloak as you walked.

I'm only here to dump my shit then leave.

You dump your items where they are normally kept, just at the entrance of the main area, you looked over to see Lynn Denlon tied in a chair, unconscious. You still sympathised with her, you knew how she must of felt when her own son died, however, if she is anything like you, she'll learn the lesson after this. You leave, heading out of the building and making your walk to Marks House. It was dark outside, so you put your hood up, to avoid any form of contact.

After a long walk you reached Marks House, allowing yourself in and instantly crashing on the couch. Your watch beeped, signalling the test had begun, You sigh in relief. You get up from the couch, heading to the kitchen, but before you could, your phone started ringing.

"Ahhhh I cant I get some peace for ONE SECOND!" You answer the phone without even checking the contact.

"Hello?" You say in a frustrated tone, going back to the kitchen.

"Hello is this [Y/N] [L/N]." You pull a confused face.

"Erm, speaking?" You open the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water.

"This is Special Agent Peter Strahm speaking, sorry to disturb you, but we'd like you to come down to the station for some questioning. We did go to your apartment, but it appears your not there?"

Fuck, not this guy. Mark warned me this would haopen.

"Yeah sorry about that, I'll come down now."

"If you can share your location, we can come pick you up."

"Oh no, that won't be necessary, I'll be there soon I'm not far." You try to force your friendliest voice.

"Very well, see you soon." You end the call quickly.

Bit unprofessional? Thought they tracked phones, good thing they didn't or Mark would be caught dating one of his own cases.

You grab the keys and put your phone in its back pocket, heading for the door, you stop at the door then look at your watch. You take it off, leaving it by the door.

Can't risk it.

You leave the house, locking the door and heading for the police department, which wasn't very far of a walk.


You arrived at the station, now you was sat in a empty Interrogation room, facing some one way glass, all that was in the room was a table and 2 chairs, the lady at the desk kindly gave you a cup of water.

Whatever happens, I can't mention Mark.

You look up to see a tall man walk in, you assumed it was Strahm.

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