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Chapter 25

You watch as William cries, looking at the 2 people whose lives are put in his hands, waiting for him to make his decision. According to his policy, the young male deserves to live. "I'm sorry..." He whispers to them both as he releases the side to kill the young male, hanging him. You sigh.

"So far this guy has gone completely against his word."


Mark walks into the office, being greeted by Erickson. "Thanks for coming in." They shake hands.

"What have you found?"

"We have a alibi on Strahms finger prints."


"Take a look." Perez glares at Mark as he his led to her desk. She looks back to the computer.

"So the human finger leaves a oily residual, depending how long its been exposed to the elements, its highly exposed to contamination."

"So what's the problem?"

"We had vast amounts of halomethane r12. There's been no traces of r12 since 1994, so the question is, did Strahm bring it in with him, or was it already in the building?"

"We're looking at the buildings functions, before it was abounded." Mark nods, he knew this was leading into the bad situation you both discussed, but if he could play it out, he will. A phone began to ring, Erickson excusing himself, leaving Mark with Perez.

"Has anything come back from the Seth Baxter tape yet?'

"Yeah actually, we might be onto something. The tape was in rough shape when he found it but we managed to restore it, we found out the voice was intentionally distorted, but it didn't match John Kramers.' She paused, eyeing Mark. "It's currently being analysed." He nods.

"Analysed for what, exactly?"

"We're trying to descramble the voice, to see if it matches Strahms." She looks down at Marks watch, which he forgot about. "You timing something?" He looks down.

"Oh yeah, I was before I came here. Forgot to turn it off, I was in such a rush." Erickson slammed down the phone, walking back to them.

"We're onto something, this is our smoking gun. They want us down in the lab." Him and Perez got their coats on, ready to leave the building. "Your coning right?" He points to Mark.

"Of course." He follows behind them both out of the building.


William had just pasr his 3rd test, and was on his way to the 4th, which you found to be the most interesting. 6 people tied on a carousel, only 2 being able to live. He walks into the room, listening to the rules. You watch as all 6 begin to panick.

And this is where all their true colours shine.

Each person screams nonsense, saying anything to get themselves the chance to live, you turn to the other monitor, seeing the mother and som debating over the 'live or die lever' you stand up walking over to the window. You fold your arms, waiting for the son to pull the lever and realise it does nothing, yet.

He pulls it, flinching and waiting for something to happen, you then walk over to the other window, seeing Pamela in a ball on the floor, also waiting for something to happen. All 3 realise it does nothing, and go back to sitting In confusion. You shake your head.

They've got it easy.

You go back to the monitors, seeing the carousel game just came to an end, you sit down, chuckling to yourself. "Of course he let the women live." You whisper to yourself.


Mark follows behind Perez, Erickson behind him. "How's it going?" Perez says as she walks over to the woman at the desk.

"Good." She replies. "Whoever made this had access to some very impressive audio infiltration equipment. Fortunately, we have some tricks of our own here. Mark knew he was done for. His and your own cover was blown. He starts to walk around the room, search for objects he can use incase it comes down to it. Erickson listens closely to the tape, whereas Perez follows Marks steps, seeming warey.

"You okay?' Mark hums in response, looking at her. "You seem a little, pre occupied."

"I'm just anxious about the tape." Erickson turns to face them both.

"You know, there's still a couple of things I can't quite get my head around. Like i don't understand Strahms motivation. He was my partner for 5 years, we all knew he was a hot head, but there were no signs of psychotic behaviour." Mark stands in one spot, looking around the room as she spoke.

"You can't always explain what someone's thinking on the inside." He saw a coffee machine, thinking he could use it, he goes over it and pouring himself some into a cup.

"You hear that? We're getting there." Erickson nods at her, as the tape slowly starts to come together.

"I never really thought of him as being vengeful, you know? I mean all the facts are there." Mark turns around, taking a sip of his coffee. "Something doesn't sit right." Perez glares at Mark, then at Erickson, who nods at her.

"You know there is a alternative? Strahm kills Seth Baxter, specifically to set you up as a accomplice to Jigsaw." He walks closer to Mark, he stands there letting him speak. "But there's a problem with that though, on further analysis of Strahms finger prints it was found that the, acid levels and oily residue were inconsistent, at least for a individual with a active metabolism."

"In other words?" The tape gets closer and closer to sounding like Mark.

"In other words, as of the latest victim, Strahm was already dead." He knew it was over, he had been caught. The tape revealed Marks voice.

"There it is!" Before anyone could react, Mark pulls out a pocket knife he had in his pocket, slashing Ericksons throat, then throwing his drink over Perez, burning her skin. He uses a pen that was on the table to stab a electrical extender, causing the power to cut in that room. He dives for the innocent woman who descrambled the tape, using her as a human shield as Perez shoots aimlessly. He gets closer to her, throwing his human shield to the floor, and knocking the gun out of her hand. He stabs her continously in the stomach. With her pinned to the wall she had no where else to go.

"Who else knows about me?" She says nothing. "Who else knows?" He stabs the knife deeper into her stomach.


"Your lying, your fucking lying." He stabs her again, this one being fatal, he let's go of her as her body hits the ground. Mark takes a step back, looking at the 3 body's, he sighs deeply, exiting the room, throwing the knife to the ground on the way put.




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