Your Beautiful

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Chapter 11
Your Beautiful

It's been 2 days since that night, yesterday you both had a relaxed day, waiting for the call of John's game being over, and the office needing Mark. You both stayed at your appartment, watching movies and just enjoying eachothers company.
Today is the day you get your bandages removed for your eye.

You wake up, making your way to your bathroom to brush your teeth. You step carefully to not wake up Mark, but that clearly didn't work.
While brushing your teeth, he comes up behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist, resting his hand on your hip as he steps besides you.

"Morning." His voice was croaky. You mumble morning with your tooth brush in your mouth. He joins you to brush his teeth. His hair was messy, a strand hanging over his face.

After you both finish you head for your room to grab some clothes ready for a shower, Mark sat on the end of the bed. "I've got to go to the hospital today, my bandages are coming off." He looks at you.

"I'll take you, I've got to go to the office anyway. It's on the way."

"Thank you." You go in the bathroom for a shower. You lock the door behind you, looking in the mirror before getting undressed.

It's about time these bandages come off...

Your eye wasn't in pain, the human eye heals up very quickly, so the pain went away fairly quick. You got undressed and had a shower, still making sure to not get any water near the bandages. After you was done, you changed into some jeans, which were baggy at the bottom, with a white vest and a light [F/C] cardigan.
You tie your hair into a braid at the back as you was too lazy to blow dry it. You open the door and was hit with the smell of freshly cooked bacon.

Has he... cooked..?

You dump your things in your room on your bed, which was made neatly. You walk into the kitchen to see Mark sitting down at your dining table, placing down 2 plates with sandwiches on them.

"You made breakfast?" Mark looked at you, and signalled for you to sit down.

"Dig in," He made Bacon and Egg sandwiches.

He's too good for me.

You both dig in, after finishing you clean up the dishes, leaving them to dry on the dish rack. Mark stood at the door way with his bag.

"Ready to go?" You put down your dish towel after drying yout hands off, grabbing a little shoulder bag which was pre packed from the night before. You follow Mark to his car, locking your door as you both leave. He puts his bag in the back seat and hops in the drivers side.

"I won't be able to pick you up from the hospital, but I'll come over when I'm done at the office?"

"Yeah okay, that's fine." He hasn't left your side since the day you met, honestly it felt like you'd known him for years, you guys aren't a thing, but damn you really wanted it to happen.

He drives you to the hospital which wasn't a long journey, "Thanks, Mark. I'll see you later?" You unbuckle your seatbelt, and open the door. He grabs your hand and pulls you back in.

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