Front Row Seats

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Chapter 24
Front Row Seats

You stood behind Mark as he sat, messing with the monitors. You had your arms folded. "Mark, I really could've done with just a littttle bit of sleep before coming here."

"You'll be fine. Like I said, once it's done it's done."

"How are you still functioning?"

"I'm used to it." He shrugged as he answers you.

"Lucky you, I guess?" You let your arms fall to your sides as you explore the room. "I've lost count how many abandoned buildings we've hopped from. The fact all of this is already built and nobody's has stumbled across it yet baffles me."

"Don't question it, I thought the same too." The monitors turn on, showing the view of each camera. Mark whispering a cheer to himself. As he adjusts each one to face the center, you looked out each window in the room, looking at the hydrochloric acid tanks.

"John has a interesting way of 'testing' people."

"Again, don't question it."

"Wasn't gonna." You turn around from the windows, walking back to the desk Mark sat at. "What is it we're checking exactly. Everything seems fine."

"At first glance, use your eyes and you'll see some obvious things."

"One eye remember Mark. One eye."

"Ignore I said that."

"I intend too." You stood behind the monitors, opposite Mark, arms folded. Mark smiled at you, sitting back in his chair.

"You've changed alot you know, [Y/N]."

"I'd hope that's a good thing."

"It is, your a strong woman. I admire it." You smile at him. He stands up from the chair. "Only seen you react once to a dead body, that's impressive."

"I was a nurse Mark, I was faced with the dead alot. But the aftermath of Strahm was just, grim." He chuckles at you, he starts heading to the door, signalling you to join. You follow besides him as you both walk to the first room the game is held. "Looks... interesting?" You look at the machine up and down, piecing together what it must do.

"This one just needs the oxygen masks, then it's completed." He picks up a bag from the floor which held all sorts of items, he pulls out 2 oxygen masks, tossing them both to you. "I'll leave you to figure it all out."

"I- what?" He turns to leave the room.

"It'll speed it up if we do different things. You'll figure it out."

"Could at least give me a hint!" He walks away from you, his footsteps getting quieter, you hear a distant 'nope' before a door opens then closes.

Oh well fuck you then.

You look down at the masks then the machines.

These are SIGNIFICANTLY taller then me, is he trying to get me caught in these things?

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