Hello [Y/N]

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Chapter 3
Hello [Y/N]

You slowly wake up, instantly squinting your eye from the sudden brightness. You blinked a couple times to adjust to the light. You looked around, you was in a hospital room, you recognised it to be the hospital you once worked for, you sat up, sighing.
You threw the blanket off of your body and out yourself to the side of the bed, you wasn't attached to any machines, meaning you can move around freely. You was dressed in a hospital gown, your t-shirt sat in a clear bag folded neatly on a chair. You stood up and headed for the bathroom attached to your room, your legs feeling slightly numb but not enough to effect your walking.
You put your hands on the sink and leaned against it, you looked the mirror.
Your left eye was covered by bandages and a hospital eye patch to keep it all together. As a former nurse you know not to touch it nor remove the bandages, guessing there's stitching underneath.

"Miss [L/N]?" You was snapped out of thought as your name was called out, you stepped out the bathroom to be greeted with another familiar face you once worked with.

"Doctor Smith." This was another doctor you worked with, not as closely as Doctor Gordon, but you still knew eachother. "No Lawrence today." You say as you walk back to your bed and sit down.
Doctor Smith smiled at you.

"This is the last state I wanted to see you in after not seeing you for so long, [Y/N]. And no, no Lawrence. We don't actually know where he is. He's erm... he's been reported as a missing persons case." You look at him with a surprised impression, raising an eyebrow slightly. "I can't disclose any details with you, but I'm sure the detective will."

"Ah, right, Detective."

"Yeah he's outside waiting. About your ey-"

"Let me guess, I have no eye and there's stitches under this eyepatch that will need changing regularly."

"-yeah. I've already scheduled your check ups with myself. Do you need me to bother explaining the care for stitches or?"

"No I still remember." He nodded and moved to stand opposite you.

"Whats been happening to you, [Y/N], Its unfair. I'm so sorry." He says, being sympathetic, talking to you as a friend and not a paitent.

"I don't want sympathy..." You put your head down, not wanting to think of it all. The last place you thought you'd end up was in a famous 'Jigsaw Trap'.

"Right... I just hope you recover well from all this, all the staff at the hospital are here for you still, we're just a call away if you still have our numbers."

"Yeah... can you just... send the detective in so I can go home.."

"Okay. I'll see you soon, [Y/N]. Please look after yourself." He left the room leaving you sat there alone. Your back was facing the door, and your head was low.
Not long after he left, you heard a light knock at the door.

"[Y/N] [L/N]?" You look over your shoulder to the door to see a Detectjve and 2 police officers. The 3 of them walked in. One officer stood infront of the door so nobody can come in during your conversation. "I'm Detective Mark Hoffman, I have been assigned to lead your case, and I would like to ask you a few questions before you head back home." You nod as he sits down on the chair opposite your position, facing you, the other office standing besides him. "A unnamed civilian had found you on the road near the scene, which is currently being investigated by other members of the department." You nod as he talks. "What do you remember?"

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