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Chapter 10

Amanda turns to John. "It's a bad idea having her here, John."

"Your worrying too much. She's exactly what we need."

"No. No she's not. Her and Hoffman are going to end up working together. If she's anything like him, that's not good."

"Why do you say that?" He looks up to her, a annoyed expression across his face.

"Hes got a thing for her! You see it too surely? They've known eachothsr for not even a week and he's already stayed at her place? If they work together, its not going to be good when your gone."

"You wrong. She's exactly what he needs. And he's exactly what she needs. He might not be what we need around here anymore, but [Y/N] we do." Amanda shakes her head No.

"Your going to regret this, John." She leaves the room, leaving John alone.


"You could've at least let me change first, this isn't exactly suitable clothing." Mark shrugs and laughs.

"I'm in my work uniform, [Y/N]. I'd say you look better then me."

"Aww you think I look good?" You give a cheeky smile. He smirks shaking his head, choosing to ignore what you said. You pat your pockets and sigh putting your head back. "Seriously can we turn around, I've left my purse at home." He looks at you then back to the road.

"How many times do I have to say to not worry about it?"

"No, your not paying for this too."

"It was my idea, so I'm paying. Quit your whining."

Damn he really is sweet.

You park up at a nice diner, nothing too fancy. You both get out the car, Mark leads the way, opening the door for you.

Damn whys he so sweet? You wouldn't think he's apart of the jigsaw cases, but I guess you could say the same thing about me.

You both get seated, you look around, the place is very casual, honestly you really like the vibe it's giving.

"You come here often or did you just pick a random spot." Mark sat opposite you.

"No I come here alot, the waiters and waitresses know who I am now anyway." He replies.

"I figured they'd know you anyway considering your a detective, specifically for the Jigsaw Cases." He glares at you, then continues to speak.

"Yeah, and I'm going to get some funny looks being with you."

"Huh? W-" Before you could speak, a waitress comes over to take your orders.

"Good evening guys, may I take your orders?" Mark gets his 'regular' whatever that is, she knew exactly what it was.

"And you mis- [Y/N] [L/N]?" She sounds confused, pointing her pen in your direction. You look at Mark then back to her.

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