Jigsaw Trap

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Chapter 2
Jigsaw Trap

You slowly start to wake up, groaning at how weak your body felt,
Your eyes widened when you realise your in an unknown area.
"W-Wha..." You look around then look down to investigate the weight on your shoulders.
You begin breathing heavily as you notice the contraption.
You had a strap around your stomach which was attached to a mask like device, which had spikes along the inside, this was held together by 2 locks over your chest.
You first touch, the mask, then the locks.
"H-Help. HELP!" You look besides you, one side of you had a table filled with surgical tools, the other side of you had a TV on the ground. "HELP ME! PLEASE! A-ANYONE!" your voice was shakey, and kept breaking. Tears falling down your cheek,
Your panicking was soon interrupted by the sound of the TV staticing. You looked down to it, to see a puppet with black hair and swirly red cheeks.
"Hello [Y/N]."

"No, no. NO, NO!" You knew instantly what this was, a Jigsaw Trap, it had recently been all over the news, probably the only news feed you had a interest in nowadays.

"You have no family members left [Y/N]. Seeing them die has caused you to fall apart, and lose your humanity. Your killing yourself off from the inside. Using drugs, falling for alcoholism, becoming jobless and even cutting yourself? Shouldn't you be living for those who tragically lost their lives?"

"FUCK YOU!" You scream out.

"To make your situation worse for yourself, you recently interfered with the marriage of Doctor Lawrence Gordon and his wife."

"What? No, no I didn't kn-"

"He's not the only married man you've messed with, [Y/N]. The device attached to you is something I call, The Venus Fly Trap, or just simply, The Death Mask." As the puppet spoke you continued to breath heavily, hands holding onto the front of the 'death mask'. "To unlock it, you must locate the key, which is behind your left eye." An xray of the key appears on the TV screen,

"W-what..?" You lift your hand up to touch your left eye, you winced as you touched it, looking down to your hand to see blood.

"You have 60 seconds, [Y/N], the choice is yours. Live or die." The TV turned off.

"BASTARD!" you shot up from where you was seated, accidently triggering the timer. "FUCK!" You looked at the timer. Then turned to the table which held the tools needed. You pick up a hand help mirror to investigate your left eye. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck." You pick up a scalpel from the table.

50 seconds.

Your hands began to shake as you lift the scalpel.
"No...no..." You grip the scalpel. "I want to live... I WANT TO LIVE FUCK SAKE!" You stab the scalpel into your left eye. You scream in agonising pain, stepping back slightly and gripping the handle of the mirror.

40 seconds.

You see red, your life replaying through your mind. You scream and take the scalpel from your eye, stabbing it over and over again. You go numb, you feel as though you have no control over your actions. You drop the scalpel and pick up a pair of surgical tweezers. Lifting the mirror to so you can see your eye perfectly.
Shaking and breathing heavily you start to pick out pieces of your eye, groaning and wincing at every touch. Your hands couldn't stop shaking.

30 seconds.

You saw the key and slowly picked it out, crying out in pain as you did.
You managed to get the key out, dropping the mirror once it was out, you grab the key and drop the tweezers, your hands were covered in blood. You smile at the key.

20 seconds.

You rushed to unlock the locks on your chest. The key being slippy due to the blood.
"Come on!" You unlock one of the padlocks. Then the second, taking them both off and throwing them to the ground.

10 seconds.

You unattached the mask from the wrap around your chest, taking the mask off and over your head throwing it to the ground. As you did you fell to the floor.
You crawled backwards while crying and eventually hit the wall.

0 seconds.

The mask snapped shut, causing you to jump.
You began hysterically crying, looking at your blood covered hands, shaking violately.
You hug yourself rocking back and forth slightly.

A door opened on the opposite side of the room, you looked at it, not wanting to stand. Eventually, the puppet from the TV came out, riding a tricycle. It rolled up until it got into the middle of the room, you didn't let your eye leave it,

"Some people are so ungrateful to be alive, [Y/N]. But not you... not anymore..."

"F-f-fuck... y-you..." You could hardly talk. You slowly stood up, still hugging yourself. You looked down, seeing the strap still on your stomach from the trap, your t-shirt from the night before was dirty, and the collar was covered in blood from your eye.
You slowly walked to the door, never letting the puppet leave your sight.

You reach the door and look through it, there was a small flash of light at the end of the corridor you was in.
You take one more look at the puppet before making a run for it.
You run to the end of the corridor, and through the door, which let to the outside, you limped slightly, as you had no form of footwear on.
You continued to run straight, not looking behind you.
You eventually saw a road in the distance, however you was starting to go numb, and your vision was going blurry.
You managed to reach the road before collapsing, the last thing you hear is a car coming to a stop.




991 Words

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