Happy Ending

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Chapter 39
Happy Ending

The next day, you and Mark did a joint effort to build up your new home together. After a journey to the hardware store, Mark sat in the garden building your new furniture as you requested, your task was to paint the rooms and put the boxes in their respective rooms.

Each wall was white for now, you placed each box into their room, the last one being your bedroom, the only room which didn't have a box was your spare room, which will be turned into your child's room.

You place down the last box, then stretch out your back. "Fuuuuuck my back huuurts." You groan out, then look down to your stomach. "You haven't even grown yet and your already causing mommy problems." You giggle, then look out the window which had a perfect view of the garden, you leant your elbows on the windowsill, looking down at Mark who was currently drilling pieces of wood together.

I've never had a back garden before... or a drive...

You watch Mark, getting lost in thought.

Nor such a amazing partner...
For once, my life is starting to look... perfect...

You smile to yourself, then turn back around to the room. You rub your hands together then take a deep breathe. "Let's get this over with." You head downstairs getting the materials you needed to begin painting the rooms, this was going to be a long process, but it was going to be so worth it...


A week later, your home was finally fully equipped, you both just got IDs which had your new fake names on, new phones and you checked in with the local doctors for your regular ultra sounds, your doctor inform you that you are 6 weeks along. Your morning sickness had gotten worse, and you felt tired more frequently.

Mark just got a job as a handy man, thinking he'd use his skills from both Jigsaw and furniture building to good use, you wanted a job, but he talked you out of it, saying you need to be at home, and then spend time with your baby when they arrive, he insisted you became a stay at home mom, at least until your baby starts school.

You currently sat on the couch in the living room, messing with your new phone, you sigh, remembering your deal with Lawrence Gordon, you decided to tell Mark what had happened, thinking he'd be mad but he took it surprisingly well, saying he knows it'll never happen again and has no reason to worry about it, but to your surprise, he actually suggested you try and keep your friendship with Lawrence, and even invite him round. That was something you never expected he'd day.

You added Lawrence's number, then started typing out the message.

'Hey Larry, it's [Y/N]. Just as I promised, here's my address, (random address here).'

You look at the message, then up to Mark who was doing something in the kitchen.

'I know this is very bad timing, but I liked our catch up, even if it was forced by you tying me to a chair, haha. How about we catch up normally next time? Your more then welcome to come to my place, just keep it a secret, for my sake.'

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