The boy grew fast and more powerful by time. He knew how to read, to practice magic and to use many spells. The boy was thirsty for knowledge and the learning of every single science. He also was fond of using swords.

Agnes would describe him as extraordinary. She trained him to be vicious and heartless.

He was always told to seek revenge from getting abandoned.

As time passed, Agnes wasn't worried about his origins anymore. From her research, she had figured out that Sirius's magic didn't came from royal family. It could have been corrupted since from it's original source. Seeing his potential, he was powerful, maybe even more than the royals themselves.

When he reached nine years old, he looked like a young man. Maybe that was how wizards aged.

To Sirius, Agnes was a savior. Obviously, she raised and took care of him. He believed no one except her. They both had a relationship where he was a humble boy and she, the one who ordered. Even though the words of the witch, were mostly sternly and orderly, Sirius still saw her better then the outside world.

Obviously, both Agnes and Sirius weren't liked much by the society.

In appearance, they were so different. Agnes had an witch-like appearance that spoke volume, while the boy, despite being handsome, was thought as a devil by everyone.

His grumpy and mysterious nature added up to that. Agnes had also made him to show his powers in front of others. But the magic wasn't the only thing that set him apart. He was also very strong physically.

So, with one word, everyone was afraid and didn't dare to look at Sirius in the eye.

However society is society.

Sometimes, Sirius and Agnes would walk together outside their cellars. Both would wear cloaks and keep their profiles low but still would get the biggest attention from others. People would make sarcastic comments about both, sometimes cursing at them, sometimes making rude remarks.

Agnes wouldn't really mind because she had someone powerful by her side, while Sirius being always lost in thoughts, would miss most of their bitter and immoral words.

But still, he was bullied by everyone as a kid. Whenever they would see him, they would call him a demon and would even shove him or try to fight. Of course, he would throw away everyone. Using his strength, the boy would teach everyone a harsh lesson.

Seeing and experiencing the wickedness of the society, he grew a strong hate for everyone. And this made it even easier for Agnes to control him.

During that time, they didn't live in the old warehouse. Both Sirius and Agnes moved to an old isolated castle and hid themselves. Agnes could make her way into things easily. Even though she wasn't rich, she would threat everyone using Sirius powers. Agnes was still a fugitive. While she was sought to be imprisoned, the soldiers who knew about her whereabouts, would hesitate to try and get her. The royal family itself, had other matters then to worry about a lose witch with a mysterious grumpy boy.

And what about Erin and Zephyr? Well, to be honest, they were scared of Sirius too. Zephyr left and continued his street walker state, maybe he joined a gang or group of bastards. While Erin, she would stay with Agnes sometimes and help her.

As time passed, both Agnes and Sirius, were eager and determined to be more powerful and conquer more than they had. Of course, that was what Agnes had nurtured to the boy's mind for years.

The target was obvious to Agnes. The royal family. The realm was under their dominion, and Agnes wanted to break that down.

Agnes was sure that using Sirius, would wipe their dynasty off. So that what was she did, she filled his mind with revenge. Made him hate everyone, especially the royals.

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