Charlie. Give myself.

Start from the beginning

"See? The popsicles was a good idea right?"

"Yes they were."

Once they finished their popsicles they went back to bed, not wanting to get dressed or be away from each other. This time Nick lay on his back, and Charlie leaned back against him.

"We should get dressed."

"Of course not." Nick wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer. "We'll sleep naked, I hope you know that."

"We're going to get cold."

"I'm never cold with you."

"I'm always freezing."

"But I'm always warm..."

"That's why¡ i don't want to get you cold!"

"That's why..." Nick pressed a kiss to her forehead. "...we complement each other."

"It's always been that way." Charlie eyed him sweetly, snuggling into his side. "Ever since we started being friends...I don't know, I felt like we were like polar opposites. Like magnets."

"Get out of my head. I was thinking that a while ago. I remember perfectly the first time I saw you."

"I thought you didn't like me until the drum thing."

"That's when I realized I felt something. But from the first moment you greeted me...I don't know. You looked so adorable in your uniform, and you were so intensely gentle. I've never had a man treat me so gently before, and you didn't even know me." Nick was making caressing circles on his back. "You smiled so broadly at me and sat down...I don't know. I didn't stop thinking about you from that moment on. Obviously my mind justified it by thinking you'd be a good friend..."

"BFF" Charlie teased.

"But since then you've been pulling me into your magnetic field."

"Is it weird that I like being the first guy you've ever liked?"

"Don't forget my Rugby camp instructor, ufff I loved that guy.... I think he was a little younger than I am now." The bot laugh. "But i don't think is weird that you liked that."

"How strange to think of little boys having a crush on you."

"How embarrassing." Nick covered his face.

They both laughed

"Who was your first crush?" Nick asked, smiling at him.

"Are we playing quiz games?" Charlie smiled, sighing.

"Exactly." Nick nodded teasingly, as if that had always been his plan.
"I had a friend in second grade. He had red hair and green eyes. We played at recess. I remember I gave him a present for his birthday and his parents asked him to stay away from me." Charlie grimaced sadly.

"How cruel."

"I never saw him again. I don't remember his name." Charlie thought wistfully of that adorable little boy. "Tara was the first little girl you liked?"

"I think so. She was the first one I accepted that I liked. Ever since I kissed her that day I thought we'd be together forever." They both laughed. "It's funny to think I was right but at the same time wrong. But before her I remember liking a neighbor, but I never talked to her. She moved away and who knows what happened..." Nick found something in the back of his mind that he had always wanted to know about Charlie but was too embarrassed to ask.  "Can I ask an... improper... question?"

"I'm an open book." Charlie smiled.

"Have you ever liked... Tao?"

"WHAT?" Nick frowned.

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