Romans 10 ~ The Milky Way

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"Listen up, buds. My deepest wish is for the Jews to see they got it wrong...

...They love El more than anyone. But forgot the most crucial thing...

...Instead of listening to him in the here and now, they got bogged down with ancient rules and regulations...

...They followed the old law instead of harking to the Krista. What they didn't know is the Krista is the law. The walking, talking, living, breathing embodiment of heaven's holiness...

...They love the old law because the great prophet Mo said "Everyone who keeps the law will go to heaven."...

...Yet they forget he also said "The law is not kept in heaven. You don't have to go up to heaven to read it...

...Nor is it kept in hell. You don't have to go down to hell to read it...

(Happy Halloween by the way, guys! Have a nice night praying for all the poor lost souls who went to hell for not believing

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(Happy Halloween by the way, guys! Have a nice night praying for all the poor lost souls who went to hell for not believing.)

...The law is not hidden in heaven or hell. It is kept safe inside your heart. When you read it aloud it bounces on your tongue. Dances in your ear. So no it is not far away. The law is very near...

...So if you say aloud "Yoshi is the Law" and know in your heart El raised him from the dead, you will go to heaven...

...By believing in Yoshi and El, you follow the holy law. It cleanses you of sin. Makes you righteous. By saying it out loud, you share the law with others. For that you'll go to heaven...

...The old scrolls say Yoshi is solid as a rock. NO ONE who leans on him will ever be let down...

...Jew or Greek. African or Indian or anyone. No one who leans on Yoshi will ever be let down. As he's not just the Don of the Jews, you know. He's the Don of the whole wide world...

...The prophet Joel knew it too. He said "The Don will answer ANYONE who prays to him."...

...But how can anyone pray to him if they don't know who he is? How will they know who he is if no one tells them?...

...The prophet Isaiah said: "Even the dirty feet of someone who brings good news are beautiful."...

...But the Jews didn't listen to the good news we brought. Like Isaiah said to El: "No one believes us, Don!"...

...To believe in El you gotta hear his holy words. To hear them, someone filled with his holy spirit gotta tell you...

...Does that mean no one told the Jews? No. Yoshi told them. We all told them. The earth, water, wind and stars told them as well. Like King David wrote: "El sprinkled stars across the sky. Now everyone in all the world can see them. So everyone in all the world knows he exists. To everyone with a twinkle they say: "El put me here and put you there. He rules the whole Milky Way."...

...Yet the Jews didn't understand what the stars were saying. Now we all know more about the god they love so much than them. They must feel so foolish right now. It's their punishment for bad behaviour. Like the prophet Moses wrote: "You lot think you're so wise with all your scrolls. But I'll teach some foreign folks without a scroll stuff you don't even know. You'll be so mad and jealous."...

"Isaiah said the same thing. Brave to say in his day: "Foreigners know your god better than you know him yourselves!...

...You foolish Jews. The Don reached out again and again but you ignored, disobeyed and went your own ways. So he smote you!"

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