Day 31- Monster Attack

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This one is 652 words long, and is connected to 1, 3, 6, 11, 14, and 17, so it's a modern au. Warning for violence.

Honestly, Gem had gotten used to walking home by now. Sure, she'd had a few scary encounters, but she'd never actually gotten seriously hurt. She was almost confident in her ability to make friends with, or at least pacify, monstrous creatures. She wasn't walking with Cleo that night, but she didn't mind. She took a detour through the park- the one that she'd seen some glowing eyes in... wow, that was all the way back in April. It was October now. Not far off from Halloween, actually.

Leaves crunched as Gem walked. What looked like two white cats skittered across the path. One of them looked at her, its eyes reflecting golden. It made almost a barking noise at the other- okay, they definitely looked more like foxes now, rather than cats- and stopped in the middle of the path.

The two white foxes transformed into people. Because of course they did. They both had fluffy white fox ears, yellow eyes, and what looked to be a more than normal amount of tails. One had short-ish cyan hair, and the other had slightly longer white hair, and also wore a facemask. They blocked Gem from continuing to walk.

"Hello, Gem." The one with cyan hair said.

"Hello? Uh... do I know you?" Gem asked apprehensively.


The other fox man, the masked one, spoke up. "You've become too comfortable interacting with the world of monsters. You need to be taught a lesson."

Gem took a step back. "Uh... what exactly does a 'lesson' mean?"

In an instant, the cyan-haired one was behind her. "I think you know what it means."

Gem sidestepped, but ran into a tree that she hadn't thought was there before. She was trapped. The white-haired one slashed at Gem's face, and she brought her arms up to protect herself. The sharp claws easily cut through her denim jacket, grazing her arm.

The other fox man- were they kitsune?- slashed at Gem's shoulder, leaving behind painful cuts. She yelped, panickedly and sloppily attempting one of her martial arts moves, but he stopped the strike easily.

The kitsune continued scratching at Gem, with her increasingly weak defenses being mostly useless against the attacks. At some point she realised that they weren't trying to kill her, because if they had been, she'd be dead already. That didn't stop the scratches from hurting a lot, though.

Gem was soaked in blood, lying on the ground, too weak to crawl away. The kitsune seemed to have lost interest in attacking her, instead just teasing.

"Oh, what's the matter, you're scared?"

"I think she didn't know that monsters could actually hurt her."

"What an idiot. Everyone knows that humans aren't supposed to interact with monsters and come out unscathed."

A new voice interrupted. "Isn't this the type of thing you could've just said in a letter?" It sounded like... Joel?! Gem watched as Joel, Cleo, and Pearl rushed towards the kitsune.

Mumbo crouched down next to Gem. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Not really... but I don't think I'm actively dying."

"Well that's good, I guess."

Meanwhile, Pearl and Joel attacked the masked kitsune, with Pearl yelling some pretty strong language while Joel just growled.

"Scott, help!" The kitsune yelped.

His cyan-haired friend didn't respond. Cleo was standing next to a kitsune statue with a smirk.

"Oh, snap! Uh... bye!" The remaining kitsune sprinted off into the trees. Joel chased after him, growling.

Cleo looked at Gem. "You need to go to the hospital."

"How the heck is she going to explain what's happened?" Mumbo asked.

"Blame wild animals. Those two are pretty close to it," Pearl muttered.

Joel came back. Sticks were tangled in his hair. "Bugger turned into a fox and went into the bushes," He grumbled.

"Well he'd better not show his face around here again," Cleo said. "Otherwise I might end up with two kitsune statues to put in my garden."

Monster Month: Halloween MCYT OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now