Day 4- Creepy Dolls

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it's wednesday my dudes. *cringes to death* uHm here's this story, it's 562 words long and also it's connected to 10. Warning for kinda body horror. Fun fact this story nearly had the word 'himbo' in it but I'm a coward. 

Scott wanted to give Jimmy a chance. They'd been on a few dates, and he'd seemed so great! Nice, funny, a bit of a lovable idiot, honestly. The kind of person Scott would want to get into a relationship with. But... There was something just a bit creepy about the doll room.

Jimmy had invited Scott over to watch movies and stay the night, and was showing him around the house. "And this," Jimmy opened the door to the room. "Is the doll room. I have told you that one of my hobbies is modifying dolls, right?" He fidgeted with the bandage on his left arm, adorably awkward.

Scott looked into the room, and really could not find a truthful comment that probably wouldn't completely offend his love interest. He'd always found dolls sort of unsettling. The room was a mess, with dolls, and parts of dolls, strewn about tables. Finicky looking tools were interspersed in the mess, and a few bins of fabric were on the floor. Most of the dolls were just Barbie-sized or 18-inch dolls, but a few parts seemed to be from life-sized dolls.

"Scott?" Jimmy asked. "You're making a weird face."

"Oh, sorry. I, uh, just probably have watched a few too many horror movies about dolls."

"I get that," Jimmy chuckled. "Sometimes I get scared that they'll come to life."

"Heh, really?"


That night, as Scott tried to fall asleep, he couldn't help but keep thinking about the weird doll room. He did honestly find it admirable that Jimmy had such a crafty, creative, hobby, but it was just so... movielike. It felt like the setup to a horror movie, where the dolls were going to come alive and murder them both.

Scott was totally parched, and reluctantly got up to get a glass of water from the kitchen. As he walked past the doll room, on the way back, he noticed that the door was open. He told himself that there was no way that the dolls would actually be alive, or possessed, or whatever. Scott glanced in, just to reassure himself. That wasn't the greatest idea he'd ever had.

What Scott saw in the doll room wasn't what he expected, or what he'd feared. It was... somehow worse. Jimmy was there, facing mostly away from the doorway. His left arm was lying on the table, discarded. A small amount of stuffing was escaping from his shoulder, where his arm should have connected. Runes glowed purple, trailing up Jimmy's neck and the side of his face. He was holding a life size doll arm, with more of the runes on it, which glowed more faintly. With a faint pop, he put the new arm into place in his shoulder. He moved his new arm around, flexing his hand surprisingly dexterously for what had looked like plastic.

Scott didn't really need or want to see any more. He had his water, he just should go back to bed. He walked back to the room he was staying in, as quickly and quietly as he could, and tried his best to go back to sleep.

By morning, Scott was sure he'd dreamt it. It was impossible that Jimmy was a doll. At breakfast, everything seemed normal. Everything was normal. Jimmy was like normal, still all fidgety, constantly picking at the bandage on his right arm. Wait...

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