Day 22- "I don't care whether this is legal..."

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This one is in a modern au, is 577 words long, and contains so much unnecessary lore, it's astounding. The entire prompt is "I don't care whether this is legal! Legally, I've been dead for years!" but wattpad refuses to let it be that long :/

 A paper airplane sailed through Lizzie's window, landing gently on her desk. That was very odd, since the screen was down so bugs couldn't get in.

She set down her pencil- mysterious physics-breaking airplanes definitely trumped algebra II homework, sorry, favorite teacher- and picked up the airplane. Lizzie unfolded the paper to see the writing on the inside. Familiar, messy, handwriting that she thought she'd never see again.

Hey Lizzie!

There's something you should know. I did die. Of course, you already know that. That's all that happened, officially. But I'm not gonna just tell you the whole story in a letter. Look outside!

Lizzie looked out the window. Standing in the backyard, looking ethereal in the dusk light, was her brother. That... that was impossible. He... he should be dead. The letter said he was dead. The letter was from him, though, and he was right there!

Her curiosity overrode any caution she might've had- and that wasn't much- so she raced downstairs and out the back door.

Lizzie's brother was leaning casually against the tree that they'd made their treehouse in when they were younger. He looked the same as he had two years ago, which was... yeah, a little concerning since he should probably look two years older than he had two years ago.

"Jimmy!" Lizzie exclaimed, rushing toward him. "Why- how- what happened?"

"I died. But I'm fine now!"

"...How are you fine now if you're dead?"

"An apprentice necromancer tried to revive me as a zombie and learned that she has some natural cleric tendencies."

"Like... magic?"


Lizzie felt like she should be more disbelieving than she was, she just learned that magic is real, fog goodness sake! "Okay. So this necromancer just... revived you?"

"Sort of."

"What do you mean, sort of?!"

"Well I'm something called... Okay actually I don't remember the name. But it's somewhere between a ghost, an angel, and a mage, but apparently stories of fae were based on us?"

"That sounds... complicated."

"Basically I'm magical, don't age, can't lie, can phase through objects, and get burnt by iron."


"Watch this," Jimmy said, just before dashing back and forth through the tree.

"Wow," Lizzie repeated.

"Can you help me with something?" Jimmy asked.

"Sure, what is it?"

There is no way that Lizzie could have predicted what he'd say next.

"Can you help me break into a building?"



Jimmy had explained what happened, and what the plan was. Pearl, the ex-necromancer who had revived Jimmy, got captured by a group of malicious necromancers called the Red Nightshade, because they didn't think her mentor, Scott, should have allowed her to start studying necromancy and cleric magic. Then Scott had sent Jimmy to rescue Pearl, but that went poorly, since the Red Nightshade headquarters was warded against Light Fae- apparently that's one of the names for whatever Jimmy had become. So, Jimmy and Lizzie needed to break into a storage warehouse to get a crystal that could disable the wards.

Lizzie and Jimmy stood outside a chain link fence, which bordered the area around an imposing grey building. Jimmy was using bolt cutters to cut the fence, wearing gloves since the metal would hurt his hands if they brushed against it.

"Are you sure this is legal?" Lizzie asked.

"I don't care whether this is legal! Legally, I've been dead for years!"

"Well I haven't, and if I got arrested, I'd be grounded for, like, forever."

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