Day 28- Immortal

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This one is kinda depressing. It's in a modern au and is 382 words long.

 Sitting on the picnic table with her feet on the bench, she watched the sunset. Locks of hair escaped her ponytail, and watermelon juice made her hands sticky, but she didn't care. The sun's rays cast everything in gold as fireflies began to blink. Life was good.

She inhaled the chill of the autumn air, as wind tousled her hair. Leaves crunched underfoot as she made her way to her destination. The overcast sky was bright. Music played at a festival in a nearby park, filling her with a sense of contentment.

Snowdrifts piled up outside. She was cozy and safe, drinking hot cocoa while snuggled in a blanket, watching a movie. The darkness outside couldn't compare to the warmth of her heart.

The morning sun shone in through the window, glinting off of rain puddles on the sidewalk. Birds sang. New green shoots sprouted in the flowerbed. The future stretched before her, as she stepped into the world, full of energy.

Cycles repeated again and again. She never grew bored of what life had to offer, even after centuries.

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The summer heat never relented, even past midnight. She felt sweaty and dusty and had various nicks and scrapes from minor accidents. Her exhaustion ate at her resolve, but she couldn't go home yet.

The air smelled musty. The piles of leaves on the ground were soggy and rotting from the rain. The sun hadn't quite risen, but she forced herself to be awake. Too cold, too early, too much.

Damp from the snow soaked through her boots. The slippery ice threatened to make her slip. The cold stung the exposed skin on her face and hands. The sun was already going down a few hours after noon. She wished that spring would just come already.

It was the middle of the day, the sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, and the birds were chirping. She didn't care about any of it. She'd seen it so many times, all she wanted was to sleep. Her blankets were so soft. Her eyes were damp with tears. She didn't even know why.

Cycles repeated again and again. Why couldn't she seem to function in the world, even after she'd been there for centuries?

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