Day 27- Zombie

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this one is dumb but like. in a better way. It's 1241 words long, and takes place in minecraft. warning because swearing.

Scott awoke to the voice of a panicky sounding Cleo. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck, why's he greenish, he shouldn't be green... I'd better check his pulse, shouldn't I?"

Scott opened his eyes, and saw that he was lying on the forest floor, nowhere that he recognized. Cleo was crouched down next to him. "Er... hi? Cleo, where the heck is this?" Scott asked, his voice coming out surprisingly raspy.

"Oh- you're awake!" Cleo sounded a bit more surprised than Scott would have thought was normal. "We're in some random-ass uninhabited world, uh, sorry for startling you with that."

"Oh. Um, why? And what was that about green, and checking my pulse?"

"So... you remember that we were just at a session of Limited Life, right?"

"Yes, I know that. The end of the session, and how I got HERE, though, is a bit foggy." Scott sat up.

Cleo paused before responding, biting her lip and sighing. "The end of the session was not a great time. Uh... let's see, how do I say this without making you panic or making myself sound like a total arse..."

"Spit it out, I can handle whatever this is."

"Okay..." Cleo steeled themself, then said quickly, "I might have accidentally turned you into a zombie."

"You. Did. WHAT?"

Cleo cringed. "Please don't be mad?"

"I... don't know what to feel about this." Scott rubbed his face. And now that he looked at it, his hand did look a little greener than it should. "Since somehow, I seem to have misplaced my recollection, could you give a few more details of how exactly... this happened?"

"Yeah. That- yeah. Fair. Okay... so it was pretty much the end of the session."

"I know that much."

"Shush, you wanted me to explain, so I'm doing that!"

"Okay, okay!"

"It was almost the end of the session, y'know, everyone was somewhat more chilled out, no murder was actively happening. And we were sort of just chatting about what had happened earlier, with the bad boys, and Pearl, and TIES, and all."

"That provides no clarification whatsoever."

"That's because I wasn't done speaking! Anyway, remember how we all thought there was only one boogeyman? That was entirely untrue..." Cleo trailed off, a guilty look in her eyes.

"So you were the second boogeyman?" Scott asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I was. And I was sort of panicking internally, since it was pretty much the end of the bloody session and I hadn't gotten a kill. I guess... what happened next was a shitty mixture of boogeyman bloodlust and zombie instinct. I- I tried to just stab you, but... I was out of control. Bloodthirsty in a literal way. I'm... really, really, sorry."

"Oh. You know what, I'm sort of glad I don't remember that, then. However, that story still leaves the question of why we're here."

"Well... about thirty seconds after you died, the timers stopped because of the session ending. I sort of completely freaked out, since upon being cured of the boogeyman curse I regained some common sense and realised that I had bitten you. And in my new panic, for whatever reason my instinct was to hide, and to bring you along? I don't really know why. So that brings it to a little before you woke up."

"Ah. So that's why you wanted to check my pulse?"

Cleo nodded. "Yeah."

Scott pressed his fingers to his wrist. Where there would normally be the slight thrum of flowing blood, there was stillness. He pursed his lips. "That's probably not good."

"No pulse?" Cleo asked.

"No pulse," Scott answered quietly. "What... what do I do now? I mean, sure, I'm already undead in Witchcraft, but that's mods. This seems like it's going to affect me everywhere..." Scott squinted his eyes shut as tears started to fall.

"You alright?" Cleo asked.

"I guess. I'm just... shocked, I suppose, that this suddenly happened. And... really exhausted."

"That makes sense. Do you want to go to Empires now so you can get some rest?"

"Maybe? I dunno... it's stupid, but I'm kind of... embarrassed," Scott admitted, wiping his eyes.

"That's perfectly normal, and very un-stupid."

"Okay, if you're sure... but it just feels like a dumb reaction to have. I just- I don't know what should be going on in my head right now, but what is going on doesn't seem correct." Scott's tears came back full force, and he started to sob. Cleo wrapped her arms around Scott, and he leaned into the hug.

Scott cried for awhile, with Cleo holding onto him. Eventually, his tears stopped coming, and his breathing evened somewhat.

"Are you feeling any better?" Cleo asked.

"Sort of..." Scott shrugged. "Emotionally, I'm kind of accepting the fact that I'm now a zombie. Physically, I feel like absolute garbage."

"What do you need?"

"I don't know... a nap? Maybe?"

"That's probably a good idea. Give me a few minutes and I shall stab some sheep." Cleo stood up, and punched a tree, making a crafting table and a wooden sword. Then she ran off in the direction of a small flock of sheep. Scott couldn't see them anymore, but from the sounds, Cleo was certainly acquiring wool. Once Cleo came back, they crafted a bed and placed it down. "Here."


Scott was able to fall asleep easily. Once he woke up, he felt very rested. Cleo was nowhere to be seen, but it was obvious that she'd been around, since Scott was now in a building that hadn't existed before he'd slept.

Scott was about to type a message in the chat of the world asking Cleo where they went, when he saw that he had a notification for a direct message from Joel. The message read, "Hey I saw that you aren't back to empires yet from the limited life session yesterday, are you good?"

Huh. Maybe Scott slept longer than he thought he had. He typed a quick message back. "Just hanging out with Cleo." Not exactly the whole truth, but none of it was a lie. Why... why did he decide to pretend he was fine?

At that point, Cleo walked into the house. "Oh, good, you finally woke up. It's been like sixteen hours. That's quite a nap!"

"Yeah. I noticed. Well, more, Joel noticed my absence from Empires and messaged me about it," Scott said.

"Oh. Did you answer him?" Cleo asked.

"Yeah. And for some reason that I don't know, I practically lied."

"Well, that's lovely. Moving on from that, you probably need to eat some food."

"Yeah... Now that you mention it, I am sort of hungry."

Cleo handed Scott a raw steak. "Here. Don't be weirded out about raw meat, trust me, it's pretty much the only thing a new zombie can handle eating for about a month."

"Okay..." Scott bit into the steak. It tasted a lot better than he'd thought it would. All the times in the past that he'd had to eat raw meat due to lack of resources, the taste had made him nauseous. This time, though, it was amazing. "Wow," He commented, muffled, through his mouthful of food. "This is good."

"I told you so."

A snarky comment popped into Scott's head, something about how he didn't feel inclined to believe the lady who just turned him into a zombie, but he decided against saying it. He really didn't need to be rude right now. 

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