Day 24- Demon

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This one is kind of odd and might actually make NO sense at all, I'm not entirely sure. But it's only 289 words long so if it's too confusing, at least there's not much of it. It takes place in minecraft.

 "Xornoth! Xornoth, wake up!"

Xornoth woke up with a jolt. Their brother was sitting next to them, looking concerned.

"You just passed out, what happened?" Scott asked. Why should he care? Why was Xornoth even with him? Xornoth scooted away from him, confused.

"What...." Xornoth's voice trailed off as they heard that it was so much higher than it'd been in centuries... since before they got corrupted. "What's going on? What did you do?!"

Scott's eyebrows creased. "What do you mean? Are you okay?"

Xornoth realised that Scott looked much younger, too. And they were in a building that had gotten destroyed a long time ago...

"What year is it?" Xornoth blurted.

Scott's eyes went wide. "Why- why wouldn't you know what year it is? Did you hit your head?"

"Just- I want to make sure."

"Okay..." Scott told them the year. Sure enough, it was before Xornoth had first started displaying their more... destructive tendencies. But why were they suddenly in the past? Xornoth wanted to return to the present... but did they really? They'd done so many horrible things. Why did they only feel remorse now?

"This is going to sound... absolutely crazy," Xornoth said, taking a deep breath. "But I think I just time traveled. From the future."

"Oh..." Scott's expression darkened.

"I know you probably think I'm crazy or have a head injury or whatever, but I saw the future where we hate each other and I want to stop that."

Scott grit his teeth. "You can't stop what's going to happen. I'd been planning on letting you get away. Maybe my plans need to be altered." Red energy flickered around him.

"...what? That's not- oh, no..." This... this wasn't just the past, was it? This was an entirely different version of the world. 

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