Day 5- Ghost

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This one is 311 words worth of 'why????????' or maybe I'm overtired and being too negative. Uhm. They're in minecraft. Warning for like... intimidation and also someone gets possessed. Also one of my favorite puns to use over and over is in this >:3

 After a short chase, Stressghost had Stressmonster backed into a corner. Looking at her was like looking into a mirror. A frightened, pastel-loving mirror. Ghost floated right in front of Stress, and would be nearly pinning her to the wall, if it weren't for the tiny problem of intangibility.

"Who- who are you?" Stress asked, pathetically trying to sound aggressive.

"I'm you, but goth. And dead!" Ghost giggled.

"What? How- huh?"

"Did you really think you didn't have an evil alt?"

"Er, well, I guess I never really thought about it?"

"Well that's just sad," Ghost pouted playfully. "You never even considered that you could be just ignoring me?"

"I know you exist now, if that makes you feel better," Stress protested.

Ghost leaned in closer, speaking low and harsh. "Apologies, especially not a halfhearted one like that, won't save you from what's coming."

Stress' eyes went wide. "W-what're you gonna do?"

Ghost grabbed Stress' hand, allowing herself to fade into control. Grinning, Ghost spoke with Stress' vocal chords. "Well, I suppose you're just going to have to find out as it happens. I sure hope nobody gets upset with you for this."

Ghost strode away confidently, taking poor Stress along for the ride.

<Alternate story fragment detected.>





There was somebody hovering in Stress' house... and she looked a lot like her.

"Hello?" Stress asked. "Who are you?"

"My name's Stressghost! I'm basically you, but goth, and dead."

"Oh. Wow."

"Exana said I might get along with you, even though I'm s'posed to be evil and you're s'posed to be good."

"Ohhh, so you're one of those evil alts?"


"That's kinda cool... but a little scary."

"I have to be scary, I'm a ghost!"

"That's true."

"No, True isn't a ghost!"

"Uh... oh." Stress giggled. "How often does that pun get set up?"

"Really, really, really, really, really often."

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