Day 15- Old Friend, New Species

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This one takes place in minecraft, it's 986 words long, and it's kinda unhinged. enjoy. 

There was a trap in the Buttercups' camp. Scar stepped on the pressure plate, causing the disguised concrete powder beneath it- and the three hermits- to fall. Grian crashed, being ejected into the void. Once he managed to log back in to Hermitcraft, he glided down to where Mumbo and Scar had fallen into the pit trap. They were both unconscious, though they had landed on hay bales from only around six blocks up, so that probably wasn't the cause.

Then, Grian looked closer. There was a dispenser on the wall, along with a few glass shards on the ground. A splash potion?

The trap had to have been set up by Doc- or Ren, but they were working together, so it really didn't matter- and Grian didn't understand why Doc would go to the trouble of making a whole pit trap just to dispense a potion that only knocked out two of the Buttercups.

With... a bit of a struggle, Grian dragged Mumbo and Scar out of the hole. He laid them on their sleeping bags both in Scar's tent, since he figured it'd be nicer to wake up in a tent, together, than on the grass or separate.

Then, Grian really just had to wait. He played some Pokemon on really low volume for awhile, so he didn't disturb the others' sleep. Even though they really didn't need to be sleeping right then.

"Ugh," Scar said, apparently awake, after a few minutes. "Do you have to play your game that loud?"

"Oh! You're awake, finally," Grian sighed in relief, setting down the game. "I didn't know how long that potion would last."

Scar sat up, covering his ears. "It sounds like you're practically yelling! How is Mumbo still asleep?"

Then, Grian got a good look at Scar. A slight tint of cyan was on his fingertips, and a few dark bluish streaks were in his hair. The most striking difference on Scar, though, was the two tendrils of sculk coming out of the top of his head, just like a warden. "Oh, my gosh," Grian whispered.

"What?" Scar looked up at Grian. "Why are you staring?"

"You're a little bit... uh..."

"OH MY GOSH," Mumbo interrupted. "SCAR'S LOOKING LIKE A WARDEN."

Scar yelped, covering his ears again. "You guys are so loud!" He looked at Mumbo. "Wait... did you always have cat ears?"

"I what?"

"You are, indeed, looking kind of cattish," Grian agreed.

"Wait, how did a potion do this?" Scar asked.

"There was a potion in the trap?" Mumbo asked.

"It looked like you guys got splashed with a potion," Grian said. "I came back after crashing because of the stupid sand, and you guys were unconscious next to a dispenser and glass shards in a hole."

"If it's a potion effect, can't we get rid of it with milk?" Scar asked.

"Probably," Mumbo said.

"Hold on just a sec, I can go get some." Grian flew out of the tent, quickly retrieving some bottles of milk from his base, then returning. He handed a bottle of milk each to Mumbo and Scar, who drank the milk.

"Did it work?" Mumbo asked.

Scar winced. "Things still sound loud."

"It does not appear to have worked. Dang." Grian sighed.

"We... need to have a talk with Doc about this," Mumbo said, newly-cat ears flattening in concern.

"Because it was obviously him," Scar agreed. "And this is really crossing a line. I am very unhappy about noises right now and that is entirely mister goat boy's fault."

"Yes. That it is. I'm going to message him right now." Grian typed on his communicator.

Grian: DOC.

Grian: Buttercup camp. We need to talk to you. NOW.

DocM77: okay okay i'm coming

A few tense minutes later, Doc landed outside the tent. "Can I come in?"

"Yes, obviously." Grian rolled his eyes.

Doc clearly suppressed a giggle at seeing Mumbo and Scar in their new forms. "I see you guys found the trap."

"Yeah, about an hour ago!" Grian snapped.

"Er... are you sure about that? The potion would have worn off already if it was that long," Doc said.

"I'm sure," Grian assured him.

"That's the problem, it's not wearing off!" Mumbo exclaimed.

"We even tried drinking milk," Scar added.

"Well... you guys poked the goat, so..." Doc shrugged, but continued after seeing the glares every Buttercup shot at him. "But, that was not intended. I have no idea how the potion is still affecting you. It should have affected you for about ten minutes before wearing off."

"Well, they spent longer than that just asleep!" Grian said.

"They fell asleep?" Doc asked.

"When I logged back on, because your dumb sand crashed me, Mumbo and Scar were both unconscious in the trap. They only woke up a few minutes before I messaged you," Grian explained.

"Oh," Doc acknowledged, then contemplated for a moment. "Oh! I think I know the problem. And I'll be nice and tell you how to fix it because now I sort of feel bad."

"Really? What happened?" Mumbo asked.

"I've heard of glitches happening with... not-exactly-intentional-to-exist objects, when someone logs out while they are being used. It makes any potion effects they cause not stop," Doc explained. "You two just need to log out of the server and come back in."

"Okay," Scar said, before hitting a button on his communicator and promptly vanishing. Mumbo did the same. The two of them reappeared a short while later, thankfully as human as they were before the potion. Which wasn't exactly fully human, but closer.

"Phew. I am very glad that's done." Scar ran his hands through his hair.

"Yep. I like cats, but not enough to be one."

"That's just the kind of thing that happens when you poke the goat," Doc said as he left the camp.

"How is he that smug yet even after his prank glitched?" Grian wondered.

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