Chapter 47- Agreste

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 Gabriel smiled as he placed the finishing touches on the wedding dress he was gifting Marinette. In reality, the dress was her design. Gabriel had seen it in one of her designer books when they bounced ideas back and forth, and he loved it. Based on the matching tux beside it with Adrien's picture, he could only imagine that the design was Marinette's dream dress. The designer simply made minor changes to match Marinette's figure and then turned it into reality.

Marinette was going to look beautiful. She had to since she was going to be an Agreste.

The Agreste!

"Marinette Agreste, the future of The Gabriel Brand."

"What?" The model interrupted as he walked into his father's study, making the man turn off his tablet quickly.

"What are you hiding, father?" Adrien asked, feeling slightly suspicious of his father's activities. It wasn't that he didn't trust his father, but after the Hawkmoth situation, he had to be careful.

"Tone it down, son!" Gabriel responded. "You will see soon enough."

Adrien nodded, deciding to trust his father like Marinette had learned to do.

"And what do you mean the future of the Gabriel brand?" Adrien questioned curiously.

"It's business, Adrien. We will talk about that later on, son."

"OK, I will let it go because I am too nervous to think. I want everything to be perfect."

"I know, son, I know. Everything has been set up perfectly to your instructions. Your mother has been taking care of it personally."

"What about the"

"Relax, son. The place, food, decorations, and distractions have all been taken care of. The ring you picked out is perfect, and you couldn't have chosen a better girl."

"Thank you, father. I just- I-" Adrien hesitated. The blonde had begun to question his proposal. Of course, he wanted nothing more than to marry Marinette, but it was the possibility of her saying no that had penetrated his mind.

"Adrien? What's wrong? You can talk to me," Gabriel spoke, giving his son his full attention.

Adrien sat on the nearest chair, looking almost defeated. With what seemed like a bear whisper, the blonde spoke again, "What if she says no?"

Gabriel furrowed his brows in confusion. The young girl loved Adrien more than anything in the world. She had proven that time and time again. She risked her life for his son more times than Gabriel could count. How could Adrien really be questioning this?

"You believe that Ms. Dupain Cheng will reject your proposal?" Gabriel questioned, attempting to understand his son's doubts. "Why?"

Adrien sighed and covered his face. "Marinette has been through a lot with me. And not all were the best things, as you know. She lost her memory and just started to remember again. What if she doesn't really remember everything? She said she wanted to marry me when we got older, but we were only about to graduate. What if I am moving too fast? What if she decides that she changed her mind? Since there is no Ladybug and Chat Noir anymore, what if she doesn't want Adrien now? What if-"

"Adrien!" Gabriel interrupted his son's ranting.

"What is wrong with you?" The man questioned as he held his head, fighting the headache coming on.

Adrien looked at his father in both startlement and confusion at his tone. What did he mean by that?

"This is crazy, you know that, right?" Gabriel questioned. "Marinette literally took a beating just to make it clear she would marry you. That girl loves you, son. True love. Real love. And a love like that will not change."

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