Chapter 23- She's gone

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***Enjoy the new chapter. I am sorry for the wait but I hope you like it. Happy holidays to everyone. Sending love, MMF.***

Before anyone could react, Ladynoir's body dropped to the ground.



Adrien felt his heart drop just as Marinette's body did. He felt overwhelmed with emotions. While he was happy that his lady had done it, she had made it out as promised; worry, anxiety, and fear overtook the bit of joy in his heart.

Reacting before everyone else, Adrien ran towards his girlfriend, picking up her cold and limp body from the floor.

"Marinette, princess, wake up, please," he cried. "You promised me you'd make it out. You promised we'd get married. You can't leave me," the blonde sobbed.

Alya's eyes were as big as an ostrich's. She knew her best friend was hurt, she had seen the video herself, but nothing couldn't prepare her for the actual feeling of witnessing what could be the death of her best friend right before her eyes.

Nino ran to his girlfriend as he saw her body begin to shake, her eyes still on the sight of Adrien sobbing and speaking to his unconscious girlfriend.

Going on instinct, Adrien checked for her pulse.

"She's not breathing," he cried. "She is not fucking breathing."

Grabbing his cell phone, Nino dialed 112 and walked out of the room to give them the details. Alya continued sobbing and shaking in the corner of the room. Almost afraid to come closer.

"She needs to detransform. It's killing her!" Tikki called out, flying towards the body of her original holder.

"How? She isn't breathing, Tikki," the blonde responded in worry.

"Take out the miraculous for her finger. Plagg's connection is to you. She already used Kaalki's power. She will detransform in a matter of seconds now."

Not wasting any more time, Adrien removed the ring of her finger and called out to Plagg, Kaalki falling weak on the floor as her transformation wore off the second Plagg flew out.

"I- I told her not to do it. I tried to warn her, but she didn't listen," the Kwami whispered weakly.

"Princess, please, please don't leave me. Wake up," Adrien whispered as he began to apply compressions to her chest. She wouldn't leave him. He wouldn't allow it.

"Wake up, Marinette. Damn it, wake up!"

Alya's breathing hitched as he saw the blood spilling from Marinette's head and lips. It was her fault. She was the one who accepted Marinette's condition. It was she who stopped Adrien from rescuing her earlier. She allowed this to happen. It was her, all her!

"You can't leave me!" Adrien panted after giving his girlfriend two good puffs of air. "You promised. You fucking promised you would marry me! You said we would do this together!" He cried as he continued with his compressions.

Alya looked at Adrien as he spoke. Did he say what she thought he said? But that didn't matter at the moment. Her best friend was dying. All that mattered was for her to wake up soon. Because she would wake up, right?

"Adrien, stop," Alya whispered, afraid that he was hurting Marinette more, but the blonde wouldn't listen. His sweaty and tired body continued to give his girlfriend CPR. He wouldn't let her die. Not now and not ever!

Alya panicked, coming closer to the model. With every push of her chest, more and more blood dripped from the bluenette's mouth.

"ADRIEN, STOP!" Alya yelled, pushing the blonde. "YOU'RE FUCKING KILLING HER!" She continued, reaching to wipe the blood from her best friend's mouth.

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