Chapter 2- Witnessed

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***Chapter two is up! Sorry for the wait. I hope you like it. As always thank you for your support. Don't forget to like and comment your thoughts below. Thank you to all those who have followed me and my books so far. Sending Love, MMF***

"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir calls out, disintegrating yet another billboard of him and Ladybug. He has no idea just how many he had already destroyed or even how many were left, but there was one thing Chat Noir was sure of, he would not stop until every single one turned to dust.

Chat Noir was livid. He wanted nothing more than to remove every trace of his love for his polka-dotted partner, and he would do just that, even if he had to travel across the world to do so.

Ladybug wanted him to move on? Fine! So be it.

"Claws in," he calls out, detransforming once again to Paris's most loved model, Adrien Agreste. Adrien angrily scuffed as he threw a piece of camembert cheese to his kwami for him to recharge his energy.

The more he thought about it, the more it angered him. It was almost funny. Outside of his mask, he had millions of girls claiming to love him. The fake him! But with it, he was nothing, not even a hero.

Ladybug was the hero!

He was nothing but her sidekick.

Unloved by everyone, including Ladybug herself.

"Kid, must we really-" before Plagg, better known as the kwami of destruction and the reason behind Chat Noir and his powers, could finish speaking, Adrien interrupted, uttering his transformation words again.

"Plagg claws out!"


Marinette stood on her balcony, looking toward the giant billboard sign they had the place almost right in front of her room. She was exhausted. She had made phone call after phone call attempting to have someone remove that lie but was unsuccessful.

In reality, the more she looked at it, the guiltier she felt. Marinette knew she had reacted horribly, but the situation had made her extremely angry.

Marinette sighed and covered her face. She could vividly remember Chat Noir's reaction and words as she let her frustration out on him. She never meant to hurt Chat Noir. Those were never her intentions. The last thing she wanted to do was cause pain to her trusted partner.

Marinette loved being partners with Chat Noir. She only wished that Chat could understand and accept that she was in love with someone else. She had loved Adrien since that day he gave her his umbrella.

Marinette uncovered her face and looked at the billboard once again. "Ugh, did they have to make billboards? That kiss is out of context," she grumbled. Marinette dragged her hands through her face and hair, feeling stressed. She wished that sign could disappear.

The bluenette gasped as that exact second, the sign turned into ashes. It was just as the young designer had wished. But there was one thing that caught her eye, surprising her. Behind the floating ashes stood a distressed Chat Noir.

Marinette felt her heart break into a million tiny pieces. Chat was beyond hurt. He looked destroyed, and she was to blame. Ladybug had caused that. She had done this to her partner.

Marinette bit her lip, fighting back the tears.

Chat Noir was hurting because of her actions.

She needed to fix this somehow. But how?

"Chat Noir!" She yelled from across the rooftop, ultimately grabbing his attention. The black-leathered superhero's attention quickly shifted toward the civilian calling his name. Upon noticing Marinette, he mentally cursed.

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