Chapter 17- Nightmare and heartbreaks

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***Guess who is updating early! I hope that makes up for the long wait. Get ready for heartbreak. Hope you love it. Sending love, MMF***

Marinette woke up missing the warmth of Chat's body and sighed. Sometimes she wished they knew each other in his civilian form. That way, she could be with him more than just in the dark. But, of course, she wasn't that lucky. Marinette was stuck with loving her boyfriend both in secrecy and darkness.

Since it was the weekend, the bluenette decided that she would stay in bed longer. Besides, it wasn't like she could see Chat during the day, and Adrien had a photo shoot to attend. While he had invited her to accompany him, Marinette tried her best to put a small amount of distance between them for Chat's sake.

Marinette yawned and closed her eyes to rest, but soon she found out that would not be possible.

The designer grunted as the sound of the Akuma alert blasted from her phone. "Uhg, can I get a morning of peace!" She complained as she stood up from her bed. "Tikki spots on!"


Chat Noir grunted as Nightmare kicked him in the gut. God, this Akuma was starting to get on his nerves. Not only had he been woken up by the screams of civilians around Paris, but he worried that his girlfriend was one of them. All he wanted was to be by her side, protecting her.

"Give it up, kitten, and give me your miraculous!"

"Nope, I'm good. Imagine the hissteria if I did. That would be clawful."

"Your puns were always awful," a voice called behind him.

Ladybug stood behind the duo, swinging her yo-yo around and ready for action. "And what's wrong with you? It's way too early for this drama!"

"Is the bug not a morning person? Don't worry. I can fix that," Nightmare responded, stomping his feet and turning the sky black.

"Now give me your miraculous!"

"Come and get them!"

"Oh, that's okay. Your nightmares will do that for me."

For a second, Nightmare took his eyes off the heroes to enjoy the horrifying sounds of civilians experiencing their worst nightmares. "Death, heartbreak, loneliness, and every worst nightmare coming to life right before the hero's eyes.

Before Nightmare could move, Ladybug took her opportunity and swung her yo-yo, aiming it toward nightmare but missing as he sidestepped. "Nice try, Ladybug."

And the fight officially began.

Both Ladybug and Chat attacked Nightmare, but they were nowhere close to getting his Akuma. It didn't help that Chat Noir's eyes constantly scanned the area in search of his princess. He had a bad feeling ever since he woke up. It was almost the same feeling he had gotten the night she was attacked. Marinette had bearly gotten better. She could not relapse again.

"Chat, focus!" Ladybug yelled out as she tried to go for another hit.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried."

"Not the time! Get to work!" She yelled at him in anger, but in the process, she missed the fact that Nightmare had aimed his powder at her.

"Ladybug!" Chat yelled, launching himself in front of her and taking the hit.


"Damn it, Chanton," Ladybug said worryingly, swinging her yo-yo around to cover them as she took him to safety.

Chat Noir grunted in pain. The hit felt like a jolt of electricity in his body, pulverizing his bones.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Ladybug asked in anger as she noticed him begin to recover.

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