Chapter 1- Chat's heartbreak

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*** Hello, my loyal readers. Welcome to my new book. A Marichat story. I hope you like it. Beware of spoilers.*** 

Ladybug was furious at this point. What in the world was going on with the civilians today? They were in the middle of fighting an Akuma, and instead of hiding, they were outside congratulating them. Why?

It wasn't till she saw the magazine stan that she placed everything together. And she was furious!

"A couple?" She asked out loud. Where did they get something like that? That was ridiculous. She was not dating Chat Noir, nor she ever would.

"We are not a couple. We're partners!" Ladybug yelled before leaping away angrily, leaving the Parisians confused and a slightly hurt partner in the background.

Chat Noir gave the Parisians a weak smile before turning around and vaulting behind his partner. He couldn't concentrate on the Akuma. Chat Noir simply couldn't understand what was so repulsive about him that his lady hated the idea of being in a relationship with him.

What was the matter with him? Why wasn't he good enough? Chat Noir shook his head, attempting to concentrate on the fight ahead. Now was not the time to ponder his predicament. Ladybug and Chat Noir needed to save the city they loved! 

Ladybug had had enough of the whole thing. Did Hawkmoth ever take a break? And what's the deal with the Parisians? Why were they always so irritable? They understand that they must control their emotions or risk becoming akumas.

But what was truly vexing was that most Akumas were due to the fact that she didn't want to be in a relationship with Chat Noir. Seriously? Does anyone understand how love works? While she cared for him, she did not love him! Adrien was her true love.

"This is proof that my ice cream is right! You two are made for each other!" Glaciator yelled, pointing at an enormous billboard sign.

The action only infuriates Ladybug even more

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The action only infuriates Ladybug even more. The last thing the heroine needed at the moment was even more rumors going around. She was Ladybug, superhero, and guardian of the miracle box. She had more responsibilities as a teenager than most grown-ups would ever have, and she definitely didn't need any distractions.

"This is baloney!" Ladybug yells, picking up a magazine from the floor. "All these photos are taken out of context! We were fighting supervillains!" Dropping the magazine, Ladybug continued to strike Glaciator with her yo-yo.

Chat noir's attempt to join the fight failed as he quickly tried to attack but missed horribly. He couldn't concentrate. It honestly bothered him that Ladybug was making a big deal of the situation. How could it not? The girl he loved had been making it painfully obvious that she did not return his feelings.

But that would not stop him.

He would not give up on her.

Chat Noir would make his feelings known.

Accidental Love A Marichat StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora