Chapter 37- Unexplained Feelings

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Do you know how some people say some somethings hurt worse than death? Well, Adrien wasn't aware of how true that saying was until he heard those words come out of his princess's mouth.

Adrien panted as he attempted to hold back his sobs. After everything they had been through together, after promising to love each other for eternity, his princess had forgotten him.

As bad as it sounded, this was worse than him believing she was dead. Because at least then, Adrien wouldn't have to sit there and watch as she gave her love away to some other guy. The love that she had promised to him.

Was he being negative? Absolutely! Could he help it? Not in the slightest.

In Adrien's mind, Marinette would probably be back to hating him and falling for Luka. No! He wouldn't accept that. Not after everything they have been through together.

Marinette watched as the blonde guy wiped the tears off his cheek. She couldn't understand what was happening, but watching him look this distraught was breaking her heart. For some reason, she wanted to hug him, to tell him she was sorry for not remembering him, and to ask him to give her a chance. Why though? Who was this guy? Why was her heart beating so wildly for him? It was as if her head didn't remember him, but her heart did.

The bluenette bit her lip, ignoring what the doctors were telling her. They were like faraway voices, distracting her from the gorgeous boy with broken green eyes. She watched as he turned and looked around her room, his eyes landing on her parents. For the first time since she woke up, Marinette scanned the room as well. Her parents were there, a lady with blue hair and a beautiful blonde lady almost identical to the boy.

Adrien couldn't do it anymore. His heart ached, and while he attempted to be strong, he was losing control by the second. Adrien turned around, not able to look at his girlfriend anymore. His eyes went to Natalie, who also held tears in her eyes, then his mother, who looked at him with pity, and lastly to the Dupain Chengs, who opened their arms, ready for him to run into them, and that's what he did exactly. As soon as their arms tightened around him, Adrien broke down. The blonde's sobs were being muffled under the tight hold of Tom, but Marinette could hear them, and they killed her.

She wanted to lie. To tell the boy that she remembered him, but she knew she couldn't do that. She couldn't play with his emotions like that.

"Excuse me, can I ask everyone to step out of the room while we give her a check-up?" One of the doctors spoke. Without hesitation, the Adults nodded and walked outside, the Dupain Chengs with Adrien in their arms.

After what seemed like forever, the doctors walked out of the room.

"Doctor, what happened? How is my daughter?" Tom asked nervously.

"Your daughter is miraculously fine. Her body has recuperated quickly, and the chances of falling back into a comma are slim to none. The bad news is that she does have some memory loss. The young girl does not seem to remember the past two years of her life. We have searched and can't find the source of the reason for the memory loss, but we have decided to do a cat scan in case there is something we are missing. We will return as soon as they are ready for her."

"Thank you, doctor."

Adrien sobbed harder. The past two years? She had no memory of him whatsoever? No memory of their love?

"I don't understand," Adrien sobbed. "I held her in time. I didn't allow her head to hit the ground. How could she have lost her memory? How am I supposed to be with her? She is going to leave me," he continued, sobbing hysterically.

Natalie gasped as she heard the blonde. After all the years of working for Gabriel and researching the miraculous, the woman knew exactly what had happened.

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