Chapter 14- Semifinals

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Adrien's eyes remained fixed on the door as time passed. It was now towards the end of the first period, and Marinette had yet to show up at school. But he didn't blame her. She probably wanted nothing whatsoever to do with him. Not in his civilian form or his hero.

Adrien felt completely and utterly screwed.

The blonde couldn't understand why every time he was with Ladybug: he managed to say all the dumb things.

He didn't even know why he had said them to her. He didn't mean them. Chat Noir had been so worried about Ladybug's safety and the safety of Paris that he said whatever it took to get her to stop placing herself in danger. Paris needed Ladybug. His princess lived in Paris.

Did he love Ladybug? Yes, part of him still did. Was it enough to pick her over his princess? No, not anymore.

Adrien loved Marinette. And last night, hearing her asking him to get out and never come back reassured him of it. Adrien had never felt as much pain as he did last night. The thought of losing Marinette was even more painful than when he lost his mother.

As a result, Adrien didn't sleep a wink. He tried contacting the bluenette as both Adrien and Chat, but he had not gotten a response.

How was he supposed to know that his princess had gotten an episode last night? That the entire situation overwhelmed her to the point of causing an extreme-level panic attack. How did he know her parents had to take her to the hospital? Or that Marinette would feel forced into telling them of her past situation.

Adrien didn't know. No one knew!


Marinette played with her lucky charm as she sat in bed. She was home now. The doctors told her to take it easy and to get a lot of rest.

Last night had been one of the worst nights of her life. It only took minutes after locking herself in the bathroom that Marinette faced the panic attack. She couldn't explain what had happened. One second she was sobbing on the floor, and the next, she couldn't breathe.

It didn't help that hearing Chat's words was the start of the images in her head. Then there he was again, touching her, kissing her, Chat Noir telling her she was not good enough, her rejecting Adrien, the feeling of being worthless. It hit her all at once.

Marinette sighed as she remembered the look on her parent's faces as she told him of the attack. While it put them at ease that Chat Noir had saved her and dealt with the criminal, they still set a new curfew for her, stating she would no longer be allowed to go out after sundown. Things for her as Ladybug would only get difficult now that her parents were watching.

Tikki watched as her holder played with the charm bracelet Adrien once gave her. She knew Marinette was wondering if she could fix things with Adrien, but the bluenette was not speaking.

She waited for her parents to give her the okay to go to school. The doctors said she could return once she felt better, and Marinette wasted no time, begging her parents to allow her to. The Dupain Cheng's finally agreed with the condition that it would be after lunch, and she had to get some rest before then. It was not like they knew the only time she could sleep well was when she was in Chat's arms.

Chat! Chat Noir was dead to her. Marinette didn't want to have any relationship with the hero. She could never trust him with her heart again. He was the reason for her tragedies. Marinette knew she had most likely ruined her friendship with Adrien for nothing!

Adrien. Adrien had called her multiple times while in the hospital, but Marinette didn't respond. She didn't know what, if anything, she could say after running from him the way that she did.

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